In the table below you will find your student number and link to a zip file containing another groups project. Your task is to try and reproduce the other groups analysis, and read over their project. There will be a quiz for you to respond to on ED during the class on 27th May.
monash_id | peer_evaluate_group |
29822270 | glue |
29012449 | stringr |
31554679 | magrittr |
31429254 | forcats |
31252869 | WeRTidy |
27809951 | base |
31335691 | tidyverse |
28757599 | rvest |
26815060 | ggplot2 |
31266983 | WeRTidy |
28165314 | magrittr |
31291996 | tidyr |
31409733 | dplyr |
31324088 | WeRTidy |
30768802 | base |
30769884 | magrittr |
28723635 | shiny |
31418600 | shiny |
31084486 | broom |
28466659 | flowers |
31203019 | readr |
31430759 | forcats |
31251587 | ggplot2 |
27851494 | WeRTidy |
31292917 | stringr |
31278213 | rvest |
31114229 | dplyr |
31161278 | tidyverse |
31259162 | glue |
28287703 | dplyr |
31245773 | stringr |
31196101 | glue |
31327427 | readr |
31237754 | tidyr |
31224245 | readr |
27232026 | shiny |
28446925 | readr |
30382106 | base |
31230008 | flowers |
31384951 | shiny |
31399827 | flowers |
31322239 | stringr |
31322743 | rvest |
29215714 | magrittr |
28009487 | broom |
30032245 | tidyr |
26226308 | forcats |
In the table below you will find your project group name, along with each member’s student email.
Please check this for correctness and email any mistakes to the course email address.