<!-- background-color: #006DAE --> <!-- class: middle center hide-slide-number --> <div class="shade_black" style="width:60%;right:0;bottom:0;padding:10px;border: dashed 4px white;margin: auto;"> <i class="fas fa-exclamation-circle"></i> These slides are viewed best by Chrome and occasionally need to be refreshed if elements did not load properly. See <a href=/>here for PDF <i class="fas fa-file-pdf"></i></a>. </div> <br> .white[Press the **right arrow** to progress to the next slide!] --- background-image: url(images/bg1.jpg) background-size: cover class: hide-slide-number split-70 title-slide count: false .column.shade_black[.content[ <br> # .monash-blue.outline-text[ETC5510: Introduction to Data Analysis] <h2 class="monash-blue2 outline-text" style="font-size: 30pt!important;">Week 9, part A</h2> <br> <h2 style="font-weight:900!important;">Networks and Graphs</h2> .bottom_abs.width100[ Lecturer: *Nicholas Tierney & Stuart Lee* Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics
<i class="fas fa-envelope faa-float animated "></i>
ETC5510.Clayton-x@monash.edu May 2020 <br> ] ]] <div class="column transition monash-m-new delay-1s" style="clip-path:url(#swipe__clip-path);"> <div class="background-image" style="background-image:url('images/large.png');background-position: center;background-size:cover;margin-left:3px;"> <svg class="clip-svg absolute"> <defs> <clipPath id="swipe__clip-path" clipPathUnits="objectBoundingBox"> <polygon points="0.5745 0, 0.5 0.33, 0.42 0, 0 0, 0 1, 0.27 1, 0.27 0.59, 0.37 1, 0.634 1, 0.736 0.59, 0.736 1, 1 1, 1 0, 0.5745 0" /> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> </div> </div> --- # Announcements - Assignment 2: due 20th May at 5pm - Project deadlines: - **Milestone 2 (20th May) **: Finalised team/team members, a paragraph about what you're going to do and links to your data sources. - **Milestone 3 (27th May) **: Upload data, and Rmd file, and html describing your data, the cleaning you've done and what's left. --- # Network analysis **A description of phone calls** - Johnny --> Liz - Liz --> Anna - Johnny -- > Dan - Dan --> Liz - Dan --> Lucy --- # As a graph <img src="lecture_9a_files/figure-html/make-call-graph-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: transition # And as an association matrix ``` ## Johnny Dan Liz Lucy Anna ## Johnny 0 1 1 0 0 ## Dan 0 0 1 1 0 ## Liz 0 0 0 0 1 ## Lucy 0 0 0 0 0 ## Anna 0 0 0 0 0 ``` --- # Why care about these relationships? - **Telephone exchanges**: Nodes are the phone numbers. Edges would indicate a call was made betwen two numbers. - **Book or movie plots**: Nodes are the characters. Edges would indicate whether they appear together in a scene, or chapter. If they speak to each other, various ways we might measure the association. - **Social media**: nodes would be the people who post on facebook, including comments. Edges would measure who comments on who's posts. --- # Drawing these relationships out: One way to describe these relationships is to provide association matrix between many objects. <img src="images/network_data.png" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> (Image created by Sam Tyner.) --- # Example: Madmen <img src="images/Mad-men-title-card.jpg" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> *Source: [wikicommons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mad_Men#/media/File:Mad-men-title-card.jpg)* --- # Generate a network view - Create a layout (in 2D) which places nodes which are most related close, - Plot the nodes as points, connect the appropriate lines - Overlaying other aspects, e.g. gender --- # introducing `madmen` data ```r glimpse(madmen) ## List of 2 ## $ edges :'data.frame': 39 obs. of 2 variables: ## ..$ Name1: Factor w/ 9 levels "Betty Draper",..: 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ... ## ..$ Name2: Factor w/ 39 levels "Abe Drexler",..: 15 31 2 4 5 6 8 9 11 21 ... ## $ vertices:'data.frame': 45 obs. of 2 variables: ## ..$ label : Factor w/ 45 levels "Abe Drexler",..: 5 9 16 23 26 32 33 38 39 17 ... ## ..$ Gender: Factor w/ 2 levels "female","male": 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 ... ``` --- # Nodes and edges? Network data can be thought of as two related tables, **nodes** and **edges**: - **nodes** are connection points - **edges** are the connections between points --- # Example: Mad Men. (Nodes = characters from the series) ```r madmen_nodes ## # A tibble: 45 x 2 ## label gender ## <chr> <chr> ## 1 Betty Draper female ## 2 Don Draper male ## 3 Harry Crane male ## 4 Joan Holloway female ## 5 Lane Pryce male ## 6 Peggy Olson female ## 7 Pete Campbell male ## 8 Roger Sterling male ## 9 Sal Romano male ## 10 Henry Francis male ## # … with 35 more rows ``` --- # Example: Mad Men. (Edges = how they are associated) ```r madmen_edges ## # A tibble: 39 x 2 ## Name1 Name2 ## <chr> <chr> ## 1 Betty Draper Henry Francis ## 2 Betty Draper Random guy ## 3 Don Draper Allison ## 4 Don Draper Bethany Van Nuys ## 5 Don Draper Betty Draper ## 6 Don Draper Bobbie Barrett ## 7 Don Draper Candace ## 8 Don Draper Doris ## 9 Don Draper Faye Miller ## 10 Don Draper Joy ## # … with 29 more rows ``` --- # Let's get the madmen data into the right shape ```r madmen_edges %>% rename(from_id = Name1, to_id = Name2) ## # A tibble: 39 x 2 ## from_id to_id ## <chr> <chr> ## 1 Betty Draper Henry Francis ## 2 Betty Draper Random guy ## 3 Don Draper Allison ## 4 Don Draper Bethany Van Nuys ## 5 Don Draper Betty Draper ## 6 Don Draper Bobbie Barrett ## 7 Don Draper Candace ## 8 Don Draper Doris ## 9 Don Draper Faye Miller ## 10 Don Draper Joy ## # … with 29 more rows ``` --- # Let's get the madmen data into the right shape ```r madmen_net <- madmen_edges %>% rename(from_id = Name1, to_id = Name2) %>% * full_join(madmen_nodes, * by = c("from_id" = "label")) madmen_net ## # A tibble: 75 x 3 ## from_id to_id gender ## <chr> <chr> <chr> ## 1 Betty Draper Henry Francis female ## 2 Betty Draper Random guy female ## 3 Don Draper Allison male ## 4 Don Draper Bethany Van Nuys male ## 5 Don Draper Betty Draper male ## 6 Don Draper Bobbie Barrett male ## 7 Don Draper Candace male ## 8 Don Draper Doris male ## 9 Don Draper Faye Miller male ## 10 Don Draper Joy male ## # … with 65 more rows ``` --- # Full join? <img src="gifs/full-join.gif" width="60%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Plotting the data <img src="lecture_9a_files/figure-html/ggraph-madmen-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # How to plot .left-code[ ```r set.seed(5556677) ggplot(data = madmen_net, aes(from_id = from_id, to_id = to_id)) + geom_net(aes(colour = gender)) ``` ] .right-plot[ <img src="lecture_9a_files/figure-html/graph-step-1-out-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # How to plot: specify the layout algorithm .left-code[ ```r set.seed(5556677) ggplot(data = madmen_net, aes(from_id = from_id, to_id = to_id)) + geom_net(aes(colour = gender), layout.alg = "kamadakawai") ``` ] .right-plot[ <img src="lecture_9a_files/figure-html/graph-plot-2-out-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # How to plot .left-code[ ```r set.seed(5556677) ggplot(data = madmen_net, aes(from_id = from_id, to_id = to_id)) + geom_net(aes(colour = gender), layout.alg = "kamadakawai", directed = FALSE, labelon = TRUE, fontsize = 3) ``` ] .right-plot[ <img src="lecture_9a_files/figure-html/graph-plot-3-out-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # How to plot .left-code[ ```r set.seed(5556677) ggplot(data = madmen_net, aes(from_id = from_id, to_id = to_id)) + geom_net(aes(colour = gender), layout.alg = "kamadakawai", directed = FALSE, labelon = TRUE, fontsize = 3, size = 2, vjust = -0.6, ecolour = "grey60", ealpha = 0.5) ``` ] .right-plot[ <img src="lecture_9a_files/figure-html/graph-plot-4-out-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # How to plot .left-code[ ```r set.seed(5556677) ggplot(data = madmen_net, aes(from_id = from_id, to_id = to_id)) + geom_net(aes(colour = gender), layout.alg = "kamadakawai", directed = FALSE, labelon = TRUE, fontsize = 3, size = 2, vjust = -0.6, ecolour = "grey60", ealpha = 0.5) + scale_colour_manual(values = c("#FF69B4", "#0099ff")) + lims(x = c(-0.05, 1.05)) + theme_net() + theme(legend.position = "bottom") ``` ] .right-plot[ <img src="lecture_9a_files/figure-html/graph-plot-5-out-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Which character was most connected? ```r madmen_edges %>% pivot_longer(cols = c(Name1, Name2), names_to = "List", values_to = "Name") ## # A tibble: 78 x 2 ## List Name ## <chr> <chr> ## 1 Name1 Betty Draper ## 2 Name2 Henry Francis ## 3 Name1 Betty Draper ## 4 Name2 Random guy ## 5 Name1 Don Draper ## 6 Name2 Allison ## 7 Name1 Don Draper ## 8 Name2 Bethany Van Nuys ## 9 Name1 Don Draper ## 10 Name2 Betty Draper ## # … with 68 more rows ``` --- # Which character was most connected? ```r madmen_edges %>% pivot_longer(cols = c(Name1, Name2), names_to = "List", values_to = "Name") %>% count(Name, sort = TRUE) ## # A tibble: 45 x 2 ## Name n ## <chr> <int> ## 1 Don Draper 14 ## 2 Roger Sterling 6 ## 3 Peggy Olson 5 ## 4 Pete Campbell 4 ## 5 Betty Draper 3 ## 6 Joan Holloway 3 ## 7 Lane Pryce 3 ## 8 Harry Crane 2 ## 9 Sal Romano 2 ## 10 Abe Drexler 1 ## # … with 35 more rows ``` --- # Example: American college football Early American football outfits were like Australian AFL today! <img src="images/1480px-Unknown_Early_American_Football_Team.jpg" width="50%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> *Source: [wikicommons](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Unknown_Early_American_Football_Team.jpg)* --- # Example: American college football Fall 2000 Season of [Division I college football](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NCAA_Division_I). - Nodes are the teams, edges are the matches. - Teams are broken into "conferences" which are the primary competition, but they can play outside this group. --- # American college football data Edges: .pull-left[ ```r football$edges ## from to same.conf ## 1 BrighamYoung FloridaState 0 ## 2 Iowa KansasState 0 ## 3 BrighamYoung NewMexico 1 ## 4 NewMexico TexasTech 0 ## 5 KansasState TexasTech 1 ## 6 Iowa PennState 1 ## 7 PennState SouthernCalifornia 0 ## 8 SouthernCalifornia ArizonaState 1 ## 9 ArizonaState SanDiegoState 0 ## 10 BrighamYoung SanDiegoState 1 ## 11 NewMexico SanDiegoState 1 ## 12 TexasTech Baylor 1 ## 13 Baylor NorthTexas 0 ## 14 TexasTech NorthTexas 0 ## 15 KansasState NorthTexas 0 ## 16 NorthernIllinois Northwestern 0 ## 17 Iowa Northwestern 1 ## 18 Iowa WesternMichigan 0 ## 19 NorthernIllinois WesternMichigan 1 ## 20 WesternMichigan Wisconsin 0 ## 21 Northwestern Wisconsin 1 ## 22 Iowa Wisconsin 1 ## 23 NewMexico Wyoming 1 ## 24 SanDiegoState Wyoming 1 ## 25 BrighamYoung Wyoming 1 ## 26 Wyoming Auburn 0 ## 27 NorthernIllinois Auburn 0 ## 28 NorthernIllinois Akron 1 ## 29 Akron VirginiaTech 0 ## 30 Auburn Alabama 1 ## 31 Alabama UCLA 0 ## 32 ArizonaState UCLA 1 ## 33 SouthernCalifornia UCLA 1 ## 34 SanDiegoState Arizona 0 ## 35 SouthernCalifornia Arizona 1 ## 36 UCLA Arizona 1 ## 37 ArizonaState Arizona 1 ## 38 Arizona Utah 0 ## 39 SanDiegoState Utah 1 ## 40 NewMexico Utah 1 ## 41 Wyoming Utah 1 ## 42 BrighamYoung Utah 1 ## 43 NorthTexas ArkansasState 1 ## 44 ArkansasState NorthCarolinaState 0 ## 45 FloridaState NorthCarolinaState 1 ## 46 KansasState BallState 0 ## 47 NorthernIllinois BallState 1 ## 48 WesternMichigan BallState 1 ## 49 BallState Florida 0 ## 50 Auburn Florida 1 ## 51 FloridaState Florida 0 ## 52 NewMexico BoiseState 0 ## 53 NorthTexas BoiseState 0 ## 54 ArkansasState BoiseState 0 ## 55 VirginiaTech BostonCollege 1 ## 56 BostonCollege WestVirginia 1 ## 57 VirginiaTech WestVirginia 1 ## 58 Akron BowlingGreenState 1 ## 59 BowlingGreenState Michigan 0 ## 60 UCLA Michigan 0 ## 61 Wisconsin Michigan 1 ## 62 Northwestern Michigan 1 ## 63 PennState Michigan 1 ## 64 BrighamYoung Virginia 0 ## 65 FloridaState Virginia 1 ## 66 NorthCarolinaState Virginia 1 ## 67 VirginiaTech Virginia 0 ## 68 BowlingGreenState Buffalo 1 ## 69 BallState Buffalo 1 ## 70 NorthernIllinois Buffalo 1 ## 71 Akron Buffalo 1 ## 72 Buffalo Syracuse 0 ## 73 BrighamYoung Syracuse 0 ## 74 BostonCollege Syracuse 1 ## 75 VirginiaTech Syracuse 1 ## 76 WestVirginia Syracuse 1 ## 77 Akron CentralFlorida 0 ## 78 NorthernIllinois CentralFlorida 0 ## 79 Alabama CentralFlorida 0 ## 80 VirginiaTech CentralFlorida 0 ## 81 CentralFlorida GeorgiaTech 0 ## 82 FloridaState GeorgiaTech 1 ## 83 NorthCarolinaState GeorgiaTech 1 ## 84 Virginia GeorgiaTech 1 ## 85 Akron CentralMichigan 1 ## 86 Wyoming CentralMichigan 0 ## 87 BoiseState CentralMichigan 0 ## 88 BallState CentralMichigan 1 ## 89 WesternMichigan CentralMichigan 1 ## 90 NorthernIllinois CentralMichigan 1 ## 91 CentralMichigan Purdue 0 ## 92 PennState Purdue 1 ## 93 Michigan Purdue 1 ## 94 Northwestern Purdue 1 ## 95 Wisconsin Purdue 1 ## 96 SouthernCalifornia Colorado 0 ## 97 KansasState Colorado 1 ## 98 Colorado ColoradoState 0 ## 99 ArizonaState ColoradoState 0 ## 100 NewMexico ColoradoState 1 ## 101 Utah ColoradoState 1 ## 102 SanDiegoState ColoradoState 1 ## 103 BrighamYoung ColoradoState 1 ## 104 Wyoming ColoradoState 1 ## 105 Buffalo Connecticut 0 ## 106 BostonCollege Connecticut 0 ## 107 Akron Connecticut 0 ## 108 BallState Connecticut 0 ## 109 Connecticut EasternMichigan 0 ## 110 CentralFlorida EasternMichigan 0 ## 111 BallState EasternMichigan 1 ## 112 BowlingGreenState EasternMichigan 1 ## 113 CentralMichigan EasternMichigan 1 ## 114 NorthernIllinois EasternMichigan 1 ## 115 WesternMichigan EasternMichigan 1 ## 116 VirginiaTech EastCarolina 0 ## 117 Syracuse EastCarolina 0 ## 118 WestVirginia EastCarolina 0 ## 119 EastCarolina Duke 0 ## 120 Northwestern Duke 0 ## 121 Virginia Duke 1 ## 122 FloridaState Duke 1 ## 123 GeorgiaTech Duke 1 ## 124 NorthCarolinaState Duke 1 ## 125 UCLA FresnoState 0 ## 126 FresnoState OhioState 0 ## 127 Arizona OhioState 0 ## 128 PennState OhioState 1 ## 129 Wisconsin OhioState 1 ## 130 Iowa OhioState 1 ## 131 Purdue OhioState 1 ## 132 Michigan OhioState 1 ## 133 EastCarolina Houston 1 ## 134 Houston Rice 0 ## 135 Michigan Rice 0 ## 136 FresnoState Rice 1 ## 137 WestVirginia Idaho 0 ## 138 ArkansasState Idaho 1 ## 139 NorthTexas Idaho 1 ## 140 BoiseState Idaho 0 ## 141 Idaho Washington 0 ## 142 Colorado Washington 0 ## 143 ArizonaState Washington 1 ## 144 Arizona Washington 1 ## 145 UCLA Washington 1 ## 146 KansasState Kansas 1 ## 147 Colorado Kansas 1 ## 148 TexasTech Kansas 1 ## 149 Kansas SouthernMethodist 0 ## 150 NorthCarolinaState SouthernMethodist 0 ## 151 Houston SouthernMethodist 0 ## 152 Rice SouthernMethodist 1 ## 153 FresnoState SouthernMethodist 1 ## 154 Purdue Kent 0 ## 155 BowlingGreenState Kent 1 ## 156 CentralMichigan Kent 1 ## 157 WesternMichigan Kent 1 ## 158 Buffalo Kent 1 ## 159 Akron Kent 1 ## 160 Kent Pittsburgh 0 ## 161 BowlingGreenState Pittsburgh 0 ## 162 PennState Pittsburgh 0 ## 163 Syracuse Pittsburgh 1 ## 164 BostonCollege Pittsburgh 1 ## 165 VirginiaTech Pittsburgh 1 ## 166 WestVirginia Pittsburgh 1 ## 167 Florida Kentucky 1 ## 168 Kentucky Louisville 0 ## 169 FloridaState Louisville 0 ## 170 Connecticut Louisville 0 ## 171 EastCarolina Louisville 1 ## 172 Houston Louisville 1 ## 173 KansasState LouisianaTech 0 ## 174 PennState LouisianaTech 0 ## 175 Auburn LouisianaTech 0 ## 176 CentralFlorida LouisianaTech 0 ## 177 CentralFlorida LouisianaMonroe 0 ## 178 LouisianaTech LouisianaMonroe 0 ## 179 LouisianaMonroe Minnesota 0 ## 180 Baylor Minnesota 0 ## 181 Purdue Minnesota 1 ## 182 PennState Minnesota 1 ## 183 OhioState Minnesota 1 ## 184 Northwestern Minnesota 1 ## 185 Wisconsin Minnesota 1 ## 186 Iowa Minnesota 1 ## 187 EasternMichigan MiamiOhio 1 ## 188 OhioState MiamiOhio 0 ## 189 Kent MiamiOhio 1 ## 190 Akron MiamiOhio 1 ## 191 BallState MiamiOhio 1 ## 192 BowlingGreenState MiamiOhio 1 ## 193 Buffalo MiamiOhio 1 ## 194 MiamiOhio Vanderbilt 0 ## 195 Alabama Vanderbilt 1 ## 196 Duke Vanderbilt 0 ## 197 Auburn Vanderbilt 1 ## 198 Florida Vanderbilt 1 ## 199 Kentucky Vanderbilt 1 ## 200 Florida MiddleTennesseeState 0 ## 201 LouisianaTech MiddleTennesseeState 0 ## 202 LouisianaMonroe MiddleTennesseeState 1 ## 203 Connecticut MiddleTennesseeState 0 ## 204 MiddleTennesseeState Illinois 0 ## 205 SanDiegoState Illinois 0 ## 206 Michigan Illinois 1 ## 207 Minnesota Illinois 1 ## 208 Iowa Illinois 1 ## 209 PennState Illinois 1 ## 210 OhioState Illinois 1 ## 211 Northwestern Illinois 1 ## 212 BrighamYoung MississippiState 0 ## 213 Florida MississippiState 1 ## 214 Auburn MississippiState 1 ## 215 MiddleTennesseeState MississippiState 0 ## 216 Kentucky MississippiState 1 ## 217 Alabama MississippiState 1 ## 218 MississippiState Memphis 0 ## 219 LouisianaMonroe Memphis 0 ## 220 ArkansasState Memphis 0 ## 221 EastCarolina Memphis 1 ## 222 Houston Memphis 1 ## 223 Wyoming Nevada 0 ## 224 ColoradoState Nevada 0 ## 225 FresnoState Nevada 1 ## 226 SouthernMethodist Nevada 1 ## 227 Rice Nevada 1 ## 228 Nevada Oregon 0 ## 229 Wisconsin Oregon 0 ## 230 Idaho Oregon 0 ## 231 UCLA Oregon 1 ## 232 Washington Oregon 1 ## 233 SouthernCalifornia Oregon 1 ## 234 Arizona Oregon 1 ## 235 ArizonaState Oregon 1 ## 236 NewMexico NewMexicoState 0 ## 237 ArkansasState NewMexicoState 1 ## 238 BoiseState NewMexicoState 0 ## 239 Idaho NewMexicoState 1 ## 240 NorthTexas NewMexicoState 1 ## 241 NewMexicoState SouthCarolina 0 ## 242 EasternMichigan SouthCarolina 0 ## 243 MississippiState SouthCarolina 1 ## 244 Alabama SouthCarolina 1 ## 245 Kentucky SouthCarolina 1 ## 246 Vanderbilt SouthCarolina 1 ## 247 Florida SouthCarolina 1 ## 248 Minnesota Ohio 0 ## 249 Akron Ohio 1 ## 250 WesternMichigan Ohio 1 ## 251 Buffalo Ohio 1 ## 252 Kent Ohio 1 ## 253 CentralMichigan Ohio 1 ## 254 MiamiOhio Ohio 1 ## 255 BowlingGreenState Ohio 1 ## 256 Ohio IowaState 0 ## 257 Iowa IowaState 0 ## 258 Baylor IowaState 1 ## 259 KansasState IowaState 1 ## 260 Colorado IowaState 1 ## 261 Kansas IowaState 1 ## 262 SouthernCalifornia SanJoseState 0 ## 263 Rice SanJoseState 1 ## 264 SouthernMethodist SanJoseState 1 ## 265 Nevada SanJoseState 1 ## 266 FresnoState SanJoseState 1 ## 267 SanJoseState Nebraska 0 ## 268 Iowa Nebraska 0 ## 269 IowaState Nebraska 1 ## 270 TexasTech Nebraska 1 ## 271 Baylor Nebraska 1 ## 272 Kansas Nebraska 1 ## 273 KansasState Nebraska 1 ## 274 Colorado Nebraska 1 ## 275 Alabama SouthernMississippi 0 ## 276 Memphis SouthernMississippi 1 ## 277 Houston SouthernMississippi 1 ## 278 Louisville SouthernMississippi 1 ## 279 EastCarolina SouthernMississippi 1 ## 280 SouthernMississippi Tennessee 0 ## 281 Florida Tennessee 1 ## 282 LouisianaMonroe Tennessee 0 ## 283 Alabama Tennessee 1 ## 284 SouthCarolina Tennessee 1 ## 285 Memphis Tennessee 0 ## 286 Kentucky Tennessee 1 ## 287 Vanderbilt Tennessee 1 ## 288 SanJoseState Stanford 0 ## 289 Arizona Stanford 1 ## 290 SouthernCalifornia Stanford 1 ## 291 Washington Stanford 1 ## 292 UCLA Stanford 1 ## 293 ArizonaState Stanford 1 ## 294 Stanford WashingtonState 1 ## 295 Utah WashingtonState 0 ## 296 Idaho WashingtonState 0 ## 297 BoiseState WashingtonState 0 ## 298 Arizona WashingtonState 1 ## 299 ArizonaState WashingtonState 1 ## 300 Oregon WashingtonState 1 ## 301 SouthernCalifornia WashingtonState 1 ## 302 Washington WashingtonState 1 ## 303 BowlingGreenState Temple 0 ## 304 EasternMichigan Temple 0 ## 305 WestVirginia Temple 1 ## 306 VirginiaTech Temple 1 ## 307 BostonCollege Temple 1 ## 308 Syracuse Temple 1 ## 309 Pittsburgh Temple 1 ## 310 Temple Navy 0 ## 311 GeorgiaTech Navy 0 ## 312 BostonCollege Navy 0 ## 313 Wyoming TexasA&M 0 ## 314 TexasTech TexasA&M 1 ## 315 Colorado TexasA&M 1 ## 316 Baylor TexasA&M 1 ## 317 IowaState TexasA&M 1 ## 318 KansasState TexasA&M 1 ## 319 TexasA&M NotreDame 0 ## 320 Nebraska NotreDame 0 ## 321 Purdue NotreDame 0 ## 322 Stanford NotreDame 0 ## 323 Navy NotreDame 1 ## 324 WestVirginia NotreDame 0 ## 325 BostonCollege NotreDame 0 ## 326 SouthernCalifornia NotreDame 0 ## 327 SouthernMethodist TexasElPaso 1 ## 328 TexasA&M TexasElPaso 0 ## 329 NewMexicoState TexasElPaso 0 ## 330 SanJoseState TexasElPaso 1 ## 331 FresnoState TexasElPaso 1 ## 332 Nevada TexasElPaso 1 ## 333 Rice TexasElPaso 1 ## 334 TexasElPaso Oklahoma 0 ## 335 ArkansasState Oklahoma 0 ## 336 Rice Oklahoma 0 ## 337 Kansas Oklahoma 1 ## 338 KansasState Oklahoma 1 ## 339 Nebraska Oklahoma 1 ## 340 Baylor Oklahoma 1 ## 341 TexasA&M Oklahoma 1 ## 342 TexasTech Oklahoma 1 ## 343 PennState Toledo 0 ## 344 WesternMichigan Toledo 1 ## 345 CentralMichigan Toledo 1 ## 346 EasternMichigan Toledo 1 ## 347 Navy Toledo 0 ## 348 NorthernIllinois Toledo 1 ## 349 BallState Toledo 1 ## 350 BowlingGreenState Toledo 1 ## 351 EastCarolina Tulane 1 ## 352 SouthernMethodist Tulane 0 ## 353 SouthernMississippi Tulane 1 ## 354 Louisville Tulane 1 ## 355 Houston Tulane 1 ## 356 Navy Tulane 0 ## 357 Memphis Tulane 1 ## 358 Tulane Mississippi 0 ## 359 Auburn Mississippi 1 ## 360 Vanderbilt Mississippi 1 ## 361 Kentucky Mississippi 1 ## 362 ArkansasState Mississippi 0 ## 363 Alabama Mississippi 1 ## 364 MississippiState Mississippi 1 ## 365 Rice Tulsa 1 ## 366 LouisianaTech Tulsa 1 ## 367 TexasElPaso Tulsa 1 ## 368 NewMexicoState Tulsa 0 ## 369 FresnoState Tulsa 1 ## 370 SouthernMethodist Tulsa 1 ## 371 SanJoseState Tulsa 1 ## 372 Nevada Tulsa 1 ## 373 Tulsa NorthCarolina 0 ## 374 FloridaState NorthCarolina 1 ## 375 GeorgiaTech NorthCarolina 1 ## 376 NorthCarolinaState NorthCarolina 1 ## 377 Virginia NorthCarolina 1 ## 378 Pittsburgh NorthCarolina 0 ## 379 Duke NorthCarolina 1 ## 380 TexasTech UtahState 0 ## 381 ArizonaState UtahState 0 ## 382 Utah UtahState 0 ## 383 BrighamYoung UtahState 0 ## 384 NorthTexas UtahState 0 ## 385 Idaho UtahState 0 ## 386 ArkansasState UtahState 0 ## 387 NewMexicoState UtahState 0 ## 388 BoiseState UtahState 0 ## 389 BostonCollege Army 0 ## 390 Houston Army 1 ## 391 Memphis Army 1 ## 392 NewMexicoState Army 0 ## 393 EastCarolina Army 1 ## 394 Tulane Army 1 ## 395 Louisville Army 1 ## 396 Navy Army 0 ## 397 Army Cincinnati 1 ## 398 Syracuse Cincinnati 0 ## 399 Wisconsin Cincinnati 0 ## 400 Tulane Cincinnati 1 ## 401 Houston Cincinnati 1 ## 402 Louisville Cincinnati 1 ## 403 MiamiOhio Cincinnati 0 ## 404 Memphis Cincinnati 1 ## 405 SouthernMississippi Cincinnati 1 ## 406 BrighamYoung AirForce 1 ## 407 Utah AirForce 1 ## 408 Navy AirForce 0 ## 409 Wyoming AirForce 1 ## 410 NewMexico AirForce 1 ## 411 NotreDame AirForce 0 ## 412 Army AirForce 0 ## 413 ColoradoState AirForce 1 ## 414 SanDiegoState AirForce 1 ## 415 Buffalo Rutgers 0 ## 416 VirginiaTech Rutgers 1 ## 417 Pittsburgh Rutgers 1 ## 418 Temple Rutgers 1 ## 419 Navy Rutgers 0 ## 420 BostonCollege Rutgers 1 ## 421 WestVirginia Rutgers 1 ## 422 NotreDame Rutgers 0 ## 423 Syracuse Rutgers 1 ## 424 SouthCarolina Georgia 1 ## 425 NewMexicoState Georgia 0 ## 426 Tennessee Georgia 1 ## 427 Vanderbilt Georgia 1 ## 428 Kentucky Georgia 1 ## 429 Florida Georgia 1 ## 430 Auburn Georgia 1 ## 431 Mississippi Georgia 1 ## 432 GeorgiaTech Georgia 0 ## 433 Houston LouisianaState 0 ## 434 Auburn LouisianaState 1 ## 435 Tennessee LouisianaState 1 ## 436 Florida LouisianaState 1 ## 437 Kentucky LouisianaState 1 ## 438 MississippiState LouisianaState 1 ## 439 Alabama LouisianaState 1 ## 440 Mississippi LouisianaState 1 ## 441 TexasTech LouisianaLafayette 0 ## 442 Tulane LouisianaLafayette 0 ## 443 LouisianaTech LouisianaLafayette 0 ## 444 NorthTexas LouisianaLafayette 1 ## 445 LouisianaMonroe LouisianaLafayette 1 ## 446 MiddleTennesseeState LouisianaLafayette 1 ## 447 LouisianaLafayette Texas 0 ## 448 Stanford Texas 0 ## 449 Houston Texas 0 ## 450 Oklahoma Texas 1 ## 451 Colorado Texas 1 ## 452 Baylor Texas 1 ## 453 TexasTech Texas 1 ## 454 Kansas Texas 1 ## 455 TexasA&M Texas 1 ## 456 NorthCarolina Marshall 0 ## 457 Buffalo Marshall 1 ## 458 WesternMichigan Marshall 1 ## 459 Toledo Marshall 1 ## 460 Kent Marshall 1 ## 461 Akron Marshall 1 ## 462 BowlingGreenState Marshall 1 ## 463 MiamiOhio Marshall 1 ## 464 Ohio Marshall 1 ## 465 Marshall MichiganState 0 ## 466 NotreDame MichiganState 0 ## 467 Northwestern MichiganState 1 ## 468 Iowa MichiganState 1 ## 469 Wisconsin MichiganState 1 ## 470 Michigan MichiganState 1 ## 471 Illinois MichiganState 1 ## 472 OhioState MichiganState 1 ## 473 Purdue MichiganState 1 ## 474 PennState MichiganState 1 ## 475 Washington MiamiFlorida 0 ## 476 WestVirginia MiamiFlorida 1 ## 477 Rutgers MiamiFlorida 1 ## 478 FloridaState MiamiFlorida 0 ## 479 Temple MiamiFlorida 1 ## 480 LouisianaTech MiamiFlorida 0 ## 481 VirginiaTech MiamiFlorida 1 ## 482 Pittsburgh MiamiFlorida 1 ## 483 Syracuse MiamiFlorida 1 ## 484 BostonCollege MiamiFlorida 1 ## 485 MichiganState Missouri 0 ## 486 Nebraska Missouri 1 ## 487 Kansas Missouri 1 ## 488 Texas Missouri 1 ## 489 IowaState Missouri 1 ## 490 Colorado Missouri 1 ## 491 Baylor Missouri 1 ## 492 KansasState Missouri 1 ## 493 Missouri Clemson 0 ## 494 Virginia Clemson 1 ## 495 Duke Clemson 1 ## 496 NorthCarolinaState Clemson 1 ## 497 NorthCarolina Clemson 1 ## 498 GeorgiaTech Clemson 1 ## 499 FloridaState Clemson 1 ## 500 SouthCarolina Clemson 0 ## 501 IowaState NevadaLasVegas 0 ## 502 NorthTexas NevadaLasVegas 0 ## 503 BrighamYoung NevadaLasVegas 1 ## 504 AirForce NevadaLasVegas 1 ## 505 Nevada NevadaLasVegas 0 ## 506 ColoradoState NevadaLasVegas 1 ## 507 Wyoming NevadaLasVegas 1 ## 508 Mississippi NevadaLasVegas 0 ## 509 Utah NevadaLasVegas 1 ## 510 NewMexico NevadaLasVegas 1 ## 511 SanDiegoState NevadaLasVegas 1 ## 512 NorthCarolina WakeForest 1 ## 513 Clemson WakeForest 1 ## 514 Virginia WakeForest 1 ## 515 Vanderbilt WakeForest 0 ## 516 GeorgiaTech WakeForest 1 ## 517 Duke WakeForest 1 ## 518 FloridaState WakeForest 1 ## 519 Navy WakeForest 0 ## 520 NorthCarolinaState WakeForest 1 ## 521 NorthCarolinaState Indiana 0 ## 522 Kentucky Indiana 0 ## 523 Cincinnati Indiana 0 ## 524 Iowa Indiana 1 ## 525 Northwestern Indiana 1 ## 526 Michigan Indiana 1 ## 527 Minnesota Indiana 1 ## 528 PennState Indiana 1 ## 529 Illinois Indiana 1 ## 530 Wisconsin Indiana 1 ## 531 Purdue Indiana 1 ## 532 Tulsa OklahomaState 0 ## 533 SouthernMississippi OklahomaState 0 ## 534 Texas OklahomaState 1 ## 535 Missouri OklahomaState 1 ## 536 IowaState OklahomaState 1 ## 537 Colorado OklahomaState 1 ## 538 TexasA&M OklahomaState 1 ## 539 TexasTech OklahomaState 1 ## 540 Baylor OklahomaState 1 ## 541 Oklahoma OklahomaState 1 ## 542 NewMexico OregonState 0 ## 543 SanDiegoState OregonState 0 ## 544 SouthernCalifornia OregonState 1 ## 545 Washington OregonState 1 ## 546 Stanford OregonState 1 ## 547 UCLA OregonState 1 ## 548 WashingtonState OregonState 1 ## 549 Arizona OregonState 1 ## 550 Oregon OregonState 1 ## 551 Temple Maryland 0 ## 552 WestVirginia Maryland 0 ## 553 MiddleTennesseeState Maryland 0 ## 554 FloridaState Maryland 1 ## 555 Virginia Maryland 1 ## 556 Clemson Maryland 1 ## 557 WakeForest Maryland 1 ## 558 Duke Maryland 1 ## 559 NorthCarolinaState Maryland 1 ## 560 NorthCarolina Maryland 1 ## 561 GeorgiaTech Maryland 1 ## 562 Nevada TexasChristian 0 ## 563 Northwestern TexasChristian 0 ## 564 ArkansasState TexasChristian 0 ## 565 Navy TexasChristian 0 ## 566 Tulsa TexasChristian 0 ## 567 Rice TexasChristian 0 ## 568 SanJoseState TexasChristian 0 ## 569 FresnoState TexasChristian 0 ## 570 TexasElPaso TexasChristian 0 ## 571 SouthernMethodist TexasChristian 0 ## 572 Utah California 0 ## 573 Illinois California 0 ## 574 FresnoState California 0 ## 575 WashingtonState California 1 ## 576 ArizonaState California 1 ## 577 UCLA California 1 ## 578 Washington California 1 ## 579 SouthernCalifornia California 1 ## 580 OregonState California 1 ## 581 Oregon California 1 ## 582 Stanford California 1 ## 583 Kansas AlabamaBirmingham 0 ## 584 LouisianaState AlabamaBirmingham 0 ## 585 LouisianaLafayette AlabamaBirmingham 0 ## 586 Louisville AlabamaBirmingham 1 ## 587 Memphis AlabamaBirmingham 1 ## 588 MiddleTennesseeState AlabamaBirmingham 0 ## 589 EastCarolina AlabamaBirmingham 1 ## 590 Cincinnati AlabamaBirmingham 1 ## 591 SouthernMississippi AlabamaBirmingham 1 ## 592 Army AlabamaBirmingham 1 ## 593 BoiseState Arkansas 0 ## 594 Alabama Arkansas 1 ## 595 Georgia Arkansas 1 ## 596 LouisianaMonroe Arkansas 0 ## 597 SouthCarolina Arkansas 1 ## 598 Auburn Arkansas 1 ## 599 Mississippi Arkansas 1 ## 600 Tennessee Arkansas 1 ## 601 MississippiState Arkansas 1 ## 602 LouisianaState Arkansas 1 ## 603 TexasElPaso Hawaii 1 ## 604 Tulsa Hawaii 1 ## 605 TexasChristian Hawaii 0 ## 606 SouthernMethodist Hawaii 1 ## 607 Rice Hawaii 1 ## 608 SanJoseState Hawaii 1 ## 609 FresnoState Hawaii 1 ## 610 Nevada Hawaii 1 ## 611 LouisianaTech Hawaii 1 ## 612 Wisconsin Hawaii 0 ## 613 NevadaLasVegas Hawaii 0 ``` ] -- .pull-right[ Nodes: ```r football$vertices ## label value ## BrighamYoung BrighamYoung Mountain West ## FloridaState FloridaState Atlantic Coast ## Iowa Iowa Big Ten ## KansasState KansasState Big Twelve ## NewMexico NewMexico Mountain West ## TexasTech TexasTech Big Twelve ## PennState PennState Big Ten ## SouthernCalifornia SouthernCalifornia Pacific Ten ## ArizonaState ArizonaState Pacific Ten ## SanDiegoState SanDiegoState Mountain West ## Baylor Baylor Big Twelve ## NorthTexas NorthTexas Sun Belt ## NorthernIllinois NorthernIllinois Mid-American ## Northwestern Northwestern Big Ten ## WesternMichigan WesternMichigan Mid-American ## Wisconsin Wisconsin Big Ten ## Wyoming Wyoming Mountain West ## Auburn Auburn Southeastern ## Akron Akron Mid-American ## VirginiaTech VirginiaTech Big East ## Alabama Alabama Southeastern ## UCLA UCLA Pacific Ten ## Arizona Arizona Pacific Ten ## Utah Utah Mountain West ## ArkansasState ArkansasState Sun Belt ## NorthCarolinaState NorthCarolinaState Atlantic Coast ## BallState BallState Mid-American ## Florida Florida Southeastern ## BoiseState BoiseState Western Athletic ## BostonCollege BostonCollege Big East ## WestVirginia WestVirginia Big East ## BowlingGreenState BowlingGreenState Mid-American ## Michigan Michigan Big Ten ## Virginia Virginia Atlantic Coast ## Buffalo Buffalo Mid-American ## Syracuse Syracuse Big East ## CentralFlorida CentralFlorida Independents ## GeorgiaTech GeorgiaTech Atlantic Coast ## CentralMichigan CentralMichigan Mid-American ## Purdue Purdue Big Ten ## Colorado Colorado Big Twelve ## ColoradoState ColoradoState Mountain West ## Connecticut Connecticut Independents ## EasternMichigan EasternMichigan Mid-American ## EastCarolina EastCarolina Conference USA ## Duke Duke Atlantic Coast ## FresnoState FresnoState Western Athletic ## OhioState OhioState Big Ten ## Houston Houston Conference USA ## Rice Rice Western Athletic ## Idaho Idaho Sun Belt ## Washington Washington Pacific Ten ## Kansas Kansas Big Twelve ## SouthernMethodist SouthernMethodist Western Athletic ## Kent Kent Mid-American ## Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Big East ## Kentucky Kentucky Southeastern ## Louisville Louisville Conference USA ## LouisianaTech LouisianaTech Western Athletic ## LouisianaMonroe LouisianaMonroe Sun Belt ## Minnesota Minnesota Big Ten ## MiamiOhio MiamiOhio Mid-American ## Vanderbilt Vanderbilt Southeastern ## MiddleTennesseeState MiddleTennesseeState Sun Belt ## Illinois Illinois Big Ten ## MississippiState MississippiState Southeastern ## Memphis Memphis Conference USA ## Nevada Nevada Western Athletic ## Oregon Oregon Pacific Ten ## NewMexicoState NewMexicoState Sun Belt ## SouthCarolina SouthCarolina Southeastern ## Ohio Ohio Mid-American ## IowaState IowaState Big Twelve ## SanJoseState SanJoseState Western Athletic ## Nebraska Nebraska Big Twelve ## SouthernMississippi SouthernMississippi Conference USA ## Tennessee Tennessee Southeastern ## Stanford Stanford Pacific Ten ## WashingtonState WashingtonState Pacific Ten ## Temple Temple Big East ## Navy Navy Independents ## TexasA&M TexasA&M Big Twelve ## NotreDame NotreDame Independents ## TexasElPaso TexasElPaso Western Athletic ## Oklahoma Oklahoma Big Twelve ## Toledo Toledo Mid-American ## Tulane Tulane Conference USA ## Mississippi Mississippi Southeastern ## Tulsa Tulsa Western Athletic ## NorthCarolina NorthCarolina Atlantic Coast ## UtahState UtahState Independents ## Army Army Conference USA ## Cincinnati Cincinnati Conference USA ## AirForce AirForce Mountain West ## Rutgers Rutgers Big East ## Georgia Georgia Southeastern ## LouisianaState LouisianaState Southeastern ## LouisianaLafayette LouisianaLafayette Sun Belt ## Texas Texas Big Twelve ## Marshall Marshall Mid-American ## MichiganState MichiganState Big Ten ## MiamiFlorida MiamiFlorida Big East ## Missouri Missouri Big Twelve ## Clemson Clemson Atlantic Coast ## NevadaLasVegas NevadaLasVegas Mountain West ## WakeForest WakeForest Atlantic Coast ## Indiana Indiana Big Ten ## OklahomaState OklahomaState Big Twelve ## OregonState OregonState Pacific Ten ## Maryland Maryland Atlantic Coast ## TexasChristian TexasChristian Conference USA ## California California Pacific Ten ## AlabamaBirmingham AlabamaBirmingham Conference USA ## Arkansas Arkansas Southeastern ## Hawaii Hawaii Western Athletic ``` ] --- # American college football: joining the data ```r # data step: merge vertices and edges ftnet <- full_join( football$edges, football$vertices, by = c("from" = "label") ) %>% mutate(schools = if_else(value == "Independents", from, "")) ftnet ## from to same.conf value ## 1 BrighamYoung FloridaState 0 Mountain West ## 2 Iowa KansasState 0 Big Ten ## 3 BrighamYoung NewMexico 1 Mountain West ## 4 NewMexico TexasTech 0 Mountain West ## 5 KansasState TexasTech 1 Big Twelve ## 6 Iowa PennState 1 Big Ten ## 7 PennState SouthernCalifornia 0 Big Ten ## 8 SouthernCalifornia ArizonaState 1 Pacific Ten ## 9 ArizonaState SanDiegoState 0 Pacific Ten ## 10 BrighamYoung SanDiegoState 1 Mountain West ## 11 NewMexico SanDiegoState 1 Mountain West ## 12 TexasTech Baylor 1 Big Twelve ## 13 Baylor NorthTexas 0 Big Twelve ## 14 TexasTech NorthTexas 0 Big Twelve ## 15 KansasState NorthTexas 0 Big Twelve ## 16 NorthernIllinois Northwestern 0 Mid-American ## 17 Iowa Northwestern 1 Big Ten ## 18 Iowa WesternMichigan 0 Big Ten ## 19 NorthernIllinois WesternMichigan 1 Mid-American ## 20 WesternMichigan Wisconsin 0 Mid-American ## 21 Northwestern Wisconsin 1 Big Ten ## 22 Iowa Wisconsin 1 Big Ten ## 23 NewMexico Wyoming 1 Mountain West ## 24 SanDiegoState Wyoming 1 Mountain West ## 25 BrighamYoung Wyoming 1 Mountain West ## 26 Wyoming Auburn 0 Mountain West ## 27 NorthernIllinois Auburn 0 Mid-American ## 28 NorthernIllinois Akron 1 Mid-American ## 29 Akron VirginiaTech 0 Mid-American ## 30 Auburn Alabama 1 Southeastern ## 31 Alabama UCLA 0 Southeastern ## 32 ArizonaState UCLA 1 Pacific Ten ## 33 SouthernCalifornia UCLA 1 Pacific Ten ## 34 SanDiegoState Arizona 0 Mountain West ## 35 SouthernCalifornia Arizona 1 Pacific Ten ## 36 UCLA Arizona 1 Pacific Ten ## 37 ArizonaState Arizona 1 Pacific Ten ## 38 Arizona Utah 0 Pacific Ten ## 39 SanDiegoState Utah 1 Mountain West ## 40 NewMexico Utah 1 Mountain West ## 41 Wyoming Utah 1 Mountain West ## 42 BrighamYoung Utah 1 Mountain West ## 43 NorthTexas ArkansasState 1 Sun Belt ## 44 ArkansasState NorthCarolinaState 0 Sun Belt ## 45 FloridaState NorthCarolinaState 1 Atlantic Coast ## 46 KansasState BallState 0 Big Twelve ## 47 NorthernIllinois BallState 1 Mid-American ## 48 WesternMichigan BallState 1 Mid-American ## 49 BallState Florida 0 Mid-American ## 50 Auburn Florida 1 Southeastern ## 51 FloridaState Florida 0 Atlantic Coast ## 52 NewMexico BoiseState 0 Mountain West ## 53 NorthTexas BoiseState 0 Sun Belt ## 54 ArkansasState BoiseState 0 Sun Belt ## 55 VirginiaTech BostonCollege 1 Big East ## 56 BostonCollege WestVirginia 1 Big East ## 57 VirginiaTech WestVirginia 1 Big East ## 58 Akron BowlingGreenState 1 Mid-American ## 59 BowlingGreenState Michigan 0 Mid-American ## 60 UCLA Michigan 0 Pacific Ten ## 61 Wisconsin Michigan 1 Big Ten ## 62 Northwestern Michigan 1 Big Ten ## 63 PennState Michigan 1 Big Ten ## 64 BrighamYoung Virginia 0 Mountain West ## 65 FloridaState Virginia 1 Atlantic Coast ## 66 NorthCarolinaState Virginia 1 Atlantic Coast ## 67 VirginiaTech Virginia 0 Big East ## 68 BowlingGreenState Buffalo 1 Mid-American ## 69 BallState Buffalo 1 Mid-American ## 70 NorthernIllinois Buffalo 1 Mid-American ## 71 Akron Buffalo 1 Mid-American ## 72 Buffalo Syracuse 0 Mid-American ## 73 BrighamYoung Syracuse 0 Mountain West ## 74 BostonCollege Syracuse 1 Big East ## 75 VirginiaTech Syracuse 1 Big East ## 76 WestVirginia Syracuse 1 Big East ## 77 Akron CentralFlorida 0 Mid-American ## 78 NorthernIllinois CentralFlorida 0 Mid-American ## 79 Alabama CentralFlorida 0 Southeastern ## 80 VirginiaTech CentralFlorida 0 Big East ## 81 CentralFlorida GeorgiaTech 0 Independents ## 82 FloridaState GeorgiaTech 1 Atlantic Coast ## 83 NorthCarolinaState GeorgiaTech 1 Atlantic Coast ## 84 Virginia GeorgiaTech 1 Atlantic Coast ## 85 Akron CentralMichigan 1 Mid-American ## 86 Wyoming CentralMichigan 0 Mountain West ## 87 BoiseState CentralMichigan 0 Western Athletic ## 88 BallState CentralMichigan 1 Mid-American ## 89 WesternMichigan CentralMichigan 1 Mid-American ## 90 NorthernIllinois CentralMichigan 1 Mid-American ## 91 CentralMichigan Purdue 0 Mid-American ## 92 PennState Purdue 1 Big Ten ## 93 Michigan Purdue 1 Big Ten ## 94 Northwestern Purdue 1 Big Ten ## 95 Wisconsin Purdue 1 Big Ten ## 96 SouthernCalifornia Colorado 0 Pacific Ten ## 97 KansasState Colorado 1 Big Twelve ## 98 Colorado ColoradoState 0 Big Twelve ## 99 ArizonaState ColoradoState 0 Pacific Ten ## 100 NewMexico ColoradoState 1 Mountain West ## 101 Utah ColoradoState 1 Mountain West ## 102 SanDiegoState ColoradoState 1 Mountain West ## 103 BrighamYoung ColoradoState 1 Mountain West ## 104 Wyoming ColoradoState 1 Mountain West ## 105 Buffalo Connecticut 0 Mid-American ## 106 BostonCollege Connecticut 0 Big East ## 107 Akron Connecticut 0 Mid-American ## 108 BallState Connecticut 0 Mid-American ## 109 Connecticut EasternMichigan 0 Independents ## 110 CentralFlorida EasternMichigan 0 Independents ## 111 BallState EasternMichigan 1 Mid-American ## 112 BowlingGreenState EasternMichigan 1 Mid-American ## 113 CentralMichigan EasternMichigan 1 Mid-American ## 114 NorthernIllinois EasternMichigan 1 Mid-American ## 115 WesternMichigan EasternMichigan 1 Mid-American ## 116 VirginiaTech EastCarolina 0 Big East ## 117 Syracuse EastCarolina 0 Big East ## 118 WestVirginia EastCarolina 0 Big East ## 119 EastCarolina Duke 0 Conference USA ## 120 Northwestern Duke 0 Big Ten ## 121 Virginia Duke 1 Atlantic Coast ## 122 FloridaState Duke 1 Atlantic Coast ## 123 GeorgiaTech Duke 1 Atlantic Coast ## 124 NorthCarolinaState Duke 1 Atlantic Coast ## 125 UCLA FresnoState 0 Pacific Ten ## 126 FresnoState OhioState 0 Western Athletic ## 127 Arizona OhioState 0 Pacific Ten ## 128 PennState OhioState 1 Big Ten ## 129 Wisconsin OhioState 1 Big Ten ## 130 Iowa OhioState 1 Big Ten ## 131 Purdue OhioState 1 Big Ten ## 132 Michigan OhioState 1 Big Ten ## 133 EastCarolina Houston 1 Conference USA ## 134 Houston Rice 0 Conference USA ## 135 Michigan Rice 0 Big Ten ## 136 FresnoState Rice 1 Western Athletic ## 137 WestVirginia Idaho 0 Big East ## 138 ArkansasState Idaho 1 Sun Belt ## 139 NorthTexas Idaho 1 Sun Belt ## 140 BoiseState Idaho 0 Western Athletic ## 141 Idaho Washington 0 Sun Belt ## 142 Colorado Washington 0 Big Twelve ## 143 ArizonaState Washington 1 Pacific Ten ## 144 Arizona Washington 1 Pacific Ten ## 145 UCLA Washington 1 Pacific Ten ## 146 KansasState Kansas 1 Big Twelve ## 147 Colorado Kansas 1 Big Twelve ## 148 TexasTech Kansas 1 Big Twelve ## 149 Kansas SouthernMethodist 0 Big Twelve ## 150 NorthCarolinaState SouthernMethodist 0 Atlantic Coast ## 151 Houston SouthernMethodist 0 Conference USA ## 152 Rice SouthernMethodist 1 Western Athletic ## 153 FresnoState SouthernMethodist 1 Western Athletic ## 154 Purdue Kent 0 Big Ten ## 155 BowlingGreenState Kent 1 Mid-American ## 156 CentralMichigan Kent 1 Mid-American ## 157 WesternMichigan Kent 1 Mid-American ## 158 Buffalo Kent 1 Mid-American ## 159 Akron Kent 1 Mid-American ## 160 Kent Pittsburgh 0 Mid-American ## 161 BowlingGreenState Pittsburgh 0 Mid-American ## 162 PennState Pittsburgh 0 Big Ten ## 163 Syracuse Pittsburgh 1 Big East ## 164 BostonCollege Pittsburgh 1 Big East ## 165 VirginiaTech Pittsburgh 1 Big East ## 166 WestVirginia Pittsburgh 1 Big East ## 167 Florida Kentucky 1 Southeastern ## 168 Kentucky Louisville 0 Southeastern ## 169 FloridaState Louisville 0 Atlantic Coast ## 170 Connecticut Louisville 0 Independents ## 171 EastCarolina Louisville 1 Conference USA ## 172 Houston Louisville 1 Conference USA ## 173 KansasState LouisianaTech 0 Big Twelve ## 174 PennState LouisianaTech 0 Big Ten ## 175 Auburn LouisianaTech 0 Southeastern ## 176 CentralFlorida LouisianaTech 0 Independents ## 177 CentralFlorida LouisianaMonroe 0 Independents ## 178 LouisianaTech LouisianaMonroe 0 Western Athletic ## 179 LouisianaMonroe Minnesota 0 Sun Belt ## 180 Baylor Minnesota 0 Big Twelve ## 181 Purdue Minnesota 1 Big Ten ## 182 PennState Minnesota 1 Big Ten ## 183 OhioState Minnesota 1 Big Ten ## 184 Northwestern Minnesota 1 Big Ten ## 185 Wisconsin Minnesota 1 Big Ten ## 186 Iowa Minnesota 1 Big Ten ## 187 EasternMichigan MiamiOhio 1 Mid-American ## 188 OhioState MiamiOhio 0 Big Ten ## 189 Kent MiamiOhio 1 Mid-American ## 190 Akron MiamiOhio 1 Mid-American ## 191 BallState MiamiOhio 1 Mid-American ## 192 BowlingGreenState MiamiOhio 1 Mid-American ## 193 Buffalo MiamiOhio 1 Mid-American ## 194 MiamiOhio Vanderbilt 0 Mid-American ## 195 Alabama Vanderbilt 1 Southeastern ## 196 Duke Vanderbilt 0 Atlantic Coast ## 197 Auburn Vanderbilt 1 Southeastern ## 198 Florida Vanderbilt 1 Southeastern ## 199 Kentucky Vanderbilt 1 Southeastern ## 200 Florida MiddleTennesseeState 0 Southeastern ## 201 LouisianaTech MiddleTennesseeState 0 Western Athletic ## 202 LouisianaMonroe MiddleTennesseeState 1 Sun Belt ## 203 Connecticut MiddleTennesseeState 0 Independents ## 204 MiddleTennesseeState Illinois 0 Sun Belt ## 205 SanDiegoState Illinois 0 Mountain West ## 206 Michigan Illinois 1 Big Ten ## 207 Minnesota Illinois 1 Big Ten ## 208 Iowa Illinois 1 Big Ten ## 209 PennState Illinois 1 Big Ten ## 210 OhioState Illinois 1 Big Ten ## 211 Northwestern Illinois 1 Big Ten ## 212 BrighamYoung MississippiState 0 Mountain West ## 213 Florida MississippiState 1 Southeastern ## 214 Auburn MississippiState 1 Southeastern ## 215 MiddleTennesseeState MississippiState 0 Sun Belt ## 216 Kentucky MississippiState 1 Southeastern ## 217 Alabama MississippiState 1 Southeastern ## 218 MississippiState Memphis 0 Southeastern ## 219 LouisianaMonroe Memphis 0 Sun Belt ## 220 ArkansasState Memphis 0 Sun Belt ## 221 EastCarolina Memphis 1 Conference USA ## 222 Houston Memphis 1 Conference USA ## 223 Wyoming Nevada 0 Mountain West ## 224 ColoradoState Nevada 0 Mountain West ## 225 FresnoState Nevada 1 Western Athletic ## 226 SouthernMethodist Nevada 1 Western Athletic ## 227 Rice Nevada 1 Western Athletic ## 228 Nevada Oregon 0 Western Athletic ## 229 Wisconsin Oregon 0 Big Ten ## 230 Idaho Oregon 0 Sun Belt ## 231 UCLA Oregon 1 Pacific Ten ## 232 Washington Oregon 1 Pacific Ten ## 233 SouthernCalifornia Oregon 1 Pacific Ten ## 234 Arizona Oregon 1 Pacific Ten ## 235 ArizonaState Oregon 1 Pacific Ten ## 236 NewMexico NewMexicoState 0 Mountain West ## 237 ArkansasState NewMexicoState 1 Sun Belt ## 238 BoiseState NewMexicoState 0 Western Athletic ## 239 Idaho NewMexicoState 1 Sun Belt ## 240 NorthTexas NewMexicoState 1 Sun Belt ## 241 NewMexicoState SouthCarolina 0 Sun Belt ## 242 EasternMichigan SouthCarolina 0 Mid-American ## 243 MississippiState SouthCarolina 1 Southeastern ## 244 Alabama SouthCarolina 1 Southeastern ## 245 Kentucky SouthCarolina 1 Southeastern ## 246 Vanderbilt SouthCarolina 1 Southeastern ## 247 Florida SouthCarolina 1 Southeastern ## 248 Minnesota Ohio 0 Big Ten ## 249 Akron Ohio 1 Mid-American ## 250 WesternMichigan Ohio 1 Mid-American ## 251 Buffalo Ohio 1 Mid-American ## 252 Kent Ohio 1 Mid-American ## 253 CentralMichigan Ohio 1 Mid-American ## 254 MiamiOhio Ohio 1 Mid-American ## 255 BowlingGreenState Ohio 1 Mid-American ## 256 Ohio IowaState 0 Mid-American ## 257 Iowa IowaState 0 Big Ten ## 258 Baylor IowaState 1 Big Twelve ## 259 KansasState IowaState 1 Big Twelve ## 260 Colorado IowaState 1 Big Twelve ## 261 Kansas IowaState 1 Big Twelve ## 262 SouthernCalifornia SanJoseState 0 Pacific Ten ## 263 Rice SanJoseState 1 Western Athletic ## 264 SouthernMethodist SanJoseState 1 Western Athletic ## 265 Nevada SanJoseState 1 Western Athletic ## 266 FresnoState SanJoseState 1 Western Athletic ## 267 SanJoseState Nebraska 0 Western Athletic ## 268 Iowa Nebraska 0 Big Ten ## 269 IowaState Nebraska 1 Big Twelve ## 270 TexasTech Nebraska 1 Big Twelve ## 271 Baylor Nebraska 1 Big Twelve ## 272 Kansas Nebraska 1 Big Twelve ## 273 KansasState Nebraska 1 Big Twelve ## 274 Colorado Nebraska 1 Big Twelve ## 275 Alabama SouthernMississippi 0 Southeastern ## 276 Memphis SouthernMississippi 1 Conference USA ## 277 Houston SouthernMississippi 1 Conference USA ## 278 Louisville SouthernMississippi 1 Conference USA ## 279 EastCarolina SouthernMississippi 1 Conference USA ## 280 SouthernMississippi Tennessee 0 Conference USA ## 281 Florida Tennessee 1 Southeastern ## 282 LouisianaMonroe Tennessee 0 Sun Belt ## 283 Alabama Tennessee 1 Southeastern ## 284 SouthCarolina Tennessee 1 Southeastern ## 285 Memphis Tennessee 0 Conference USA ## 286 Kentucky Tennessee 1 Southeastern ## 287 Vanderbilt Tennessee 1 Southeastern ## 288 SanJoseState Stanford 0 Western Athletic ## 289 Arizona Stanford 1 Pacific Ten ## 290 SouthernCalifornia Stanford 1 Pacific Ten ## 291 Washington Stanford 1 Pacific Ten ## 292 UCLA Stanford 1 Pacific Ten ## 293 ArizonaState Stanford 1 Pacific Ten ## 294 Stanford WashingtonState 1 Pacific Ten ## 295 Utah WashingtonState 0 Mountain West ## 296 Idaho WashingtonState 0 Sun Belt ## 297 BoiseState WashingtonState 0 Western Athletic ## 298 Arizona WashingtonState 1 Pacific Ten ## 299 ArizonaState WashingtonState 1 Pacific Ten ## 300 Oregon WashingtonState 1 Pacific Ten ## 301 SouthernCalifornia WashingtonState 1 Pacific Ten ## 302 Washington WashingtonState 1 Pacific Ten ## 303 BowlingGreenState Temple 0 Mid-American ## 304 EasternMichigan Temple 0 Mid-American ## 305 WestVirginia Temple 1 Big East ## 306 VirginiaTech Temple 1 Big East ## 307 BostonCollege Temple 1 Big East ## 308 Syracuse Temple 1 Big East ## 309 Pittsburgh Temple 1 Big East ## 310 Temple Navy 0 Big East ## 311 GeorgiaTech Navy 0 Atlantic Coast ## 312 BostonCollege Navy 0 Big East ## 313 Wyoming TexasA&M 0 Mountain West ## 314 TexasTech TexasA&M 1 Big Twelve ## 315 Colorado TexasA&M 1 Big Twelve ## 316 Baylor TexasA&M 1 Big Twelve ## 317 IowaState TexasA&M 1 Big Twelve ## 318 KansasState TexasA&M 1 Big Twelve ## 319 TexasA&M NotreDame 0 Big Twelve ## 320 Nebraska NotreDame 0 Big Twelve ## 321 Purdue NotreDame 0 Big Ten ## 322 Stanford NotreDame 0 Pacific Ten ## 323 Navy NotreDame 1 Independents ## 324 WestVirginia NotreDame 0 Big East ## 325 BostonCollege NotreDame 0 Big East ## 326 SouthernCalifornia NotreDame 0 Pacific Ten ## 327 SouthernMethodist TexasElPaso 1 Western Athletic ## 328 TexasA&M TexasElPaso 0 Big Twelve ## 329 NewMexicoState TexasElPaso 0 Sun Belt ## 330 SanJoseState TexasElPaso 1 Western Athletic ## 331 FresnoState TexasElPaso 1 Western Athletic ## 332 Nevada TexasElPaso 1 Western Athletic ## 333 Rice TexasElPaso 1 Western Athletic ## 334 TexasElPaso Oklahoma 0 Western Athletic ## 335 ArkansasState Oklahoma 0 Sun Belt ## 336 Rice Oklahoma 0 Western Athletic ## 337 Kansas Oklahoma 1 Big Twelve ## 338 KansasState Oklahoma 1 Big Twelve ## 339 Nebraska Oklahoma 1 Big Twelve ## 340 Baylor Oklahoma 1 Big Twelve ## 341 TexasA&M Oklahoma 1 Big Twelve ## 342 TexasTech Oklahoma 1 Big Twelve ## 343 PennState Toledo 0 Big Ten ## 344 WesternMichigan Toledo 1 Mid-American ## 345 CentralMichigan Toledo 1 Mid-American ## 346 EasternMichigan Toledo 1 Mid-American ## 347 Navy Toledo 0 Independents ## 348 NorthernIllinois Toledo 1 Mid-American ## 349 BallState Toledo 1 Mid-American ## 350 BowlingGreenState Toledo 1 Mid-American ## 351 EastCarolina Tulane 1 Conference USA ## 352 SouthernMethodist Tulane 0 Western Athletic ## 353 SouthernMississippi Tulane 1 Conference USA ## 354 Louisville Tulane 1 Conference USA ## 355 Houston Tulane 1 Conference USA ## 356 Navy Tulane 0 Independents ## 357 Memphis Tulane 1 Conference USA ## 358 Tulane Mississippi 0 Conference USA ## 359 Auburn Mississippi 1 Southeastern ## 360 Vanderbilt Mississippi 1 Southeastern ## 361 Kentucky Mississippi 1 Southeastern ## 362 ArkansasState Mississippi 0 Sun Belt ## 363 Alabama Mississippi 1 Southeastern ## 364 MississippiState Mississippi 1 Southeastern ## 365 Rice Tulsa 1 Western Athletic ## 366 LouisianaTech Tulsa 1 Western Athletic ## 367 TexasElPaso Tulsa 1 Western Athletic ## 368 NewMexicoState Tulsa 0 Sun Belt ## 369 FresnoState Tulsa 1 Western Athletic ## 370 SouthernMethodist Tulsa 1 Western Athletic ## 371 SanJoseState Tulsa 1 Western Athletic ## 372 Nevada Tulsa 1 Western Athletic ## 373 Tulsa NorthCarolina 0 Western Athletic ## 374 FloridaState NorthCarolina 1 Atlantic Coast ## 375 GeorgiaTech NorthCarolina 1 Atlantic Coast ## 376 NorthCarolinaState NorthCarolina 1 Atlantic Coast ## 377 Virginia NorthCarolina 1 Atlantic Coast ## 378 Pittsburgh NorthCarolina 0 Big East ## 379 Duke NorthCarolina 1 Atlantic Coast ## 380 TexasTech UtahState 0 Big Twelve ## 381 ArizonaState UtahState 0 Pacific Ten ## 382 Utah UtahState 0 Mountain West ## 383 BrighamYoung UtahState 0 Mountain West ## 384 NorthTexas UtahState 0 Sun Belt ## 385 Idaho UtahState 0 Sun Belt ## 386 ArkansasState UtahState 0 Sun Belt ## 387 NewMexicoState UtahState 0 Sun Belt ## 388 BoiseState UtahState 0 Western Athletic ## 389 BostonCollege Army 0 Big East ## 390 Houston Army 1 Conference USA ## 391 Memphis Army 1 Conference USA ## 392 NewMexicoState Army 0 Sun Belt ## 393 EastCarolina Army 1 Conference USA ## 394 Tulane Army 1 Conference USA ## 395 Louisville Army 1 Conference USA ## 396 Navy Army 0 Independents ## 397 Army Cincinnati 1 Conference USA ## 398 Syracuse Cincinnati 0 Big East ## 399 Wisconsin Cincinnati 0 Big Ten ## 400 Tulane Cincinnati 1 Conference USA ## 401 Houston Cincinnati 1 Conference USA ## 402 Louisville Cincinnati 1 Conference USA ## 403 MiamiOhio Cincinnati 0 Mid-American ## 404 Memphis Cincinnati 1 Conference USA ## 405 SouthernMississippi Cincinnati 1 Conference USA ## 406 BrighamYoung AirForce 1 Mountain West ## 407 Utah AirForce 1 Mountain West ## 408 Navy AirForce 0 Independents ## 409 Wyoming AirForce 1 Mountain West ## 410 NewMexico AirForce 1 Mountain West ## 411 NotreDame AirForce 0 Independents ## 412 Army AirForce 0 Conference USA ## 413 ColoradoState AirForce 1 Mountain West ## 414 SanDiegoState AirForce 1 Mountain West ## 415 Buffalo Rutgers 0 Mid-American ## 416 VirginiaTech Rutgers 1 Big East ## 417 Pittsburgh Rutgers 1 Big East ## 418 Temple Rutgers 1 Big East ## 419 Navy Rutgers 0 Independents ## 420 BostonCollege Rutgers 1 Big East ## 421 WestVirginia Rutgers 1 Big East ## 422 NotreDame Rutgers 0 Independents ## 423 Syracuse Rutgers 1 Big East ## 424 SouthCarolina Georgia 1 Southeastern ## 425 NewMexicoState Georgia 0 Sun Belt ## 426 Tennessee Georgia 1 Southeastern ## 427 Vanderbilt Georgia 1 Southeastern ## 428 Kentucky Georgia 1 Southeastern ## 429 Florida Georgia 1 Southeastern ## 430 Auburn Georgia 1 Southeastern ## 431 Mississippi Georgia 1 Southeastern ## 432 GeorgiaTech Georgia 0 Atlantic Coast ## 433 Houston LouisianaState 0 Conference USA ## 434 Auburn LouisianaState 1 Southeastern ## 435 Tennessee LouisianaState 1 Southeastern ## 436 Florida LouisianaState 1 Southeastern ## 437 Kentucky LouisianaState 1 Southeastern ## 438 MississippiState LouisianaState 1 Southeastern ## 439 Alabama LouisianaState 1 Southeastern ## 440 Mississippi LouisianaState 1 Southeastern ## 441 TexasTech LouisianaLafayette 0 Big Twelve ## 442 Tulane LouisianaLafayette 0 Conference USA ## 443 LouisianaTech LouisianaLafayette 0 Western Athletic ## 444 NorthTexas LouisianaLafayette 1 Sun Belt ## 445 LouisianaMonroe LouisianaLafayette 1 Sun Belt ## 446 MiddleTennesseeState LouisianaLafayette 1 Sun Belt ## 447 LouisianaLafayette Texas 0 Sun Belt ## 448 Stanford Texas 0 Pacific Ten ## 449 Houston Texas 0 Conference USA ## 450 Oklahoma Texas 1 Big Twelve ## 451 Colorado Texas 1 Big Twelve ## 452 Baylor Texas 1 Big Twelve ## 453 TexasTech Texas 1 Big Twelve ## 454 Kansas Texas 1 Big Twelve ## 455 TexasA&M Texas 1 Big Twelve ## 456 NorthCarolina Marshall 0 Atlantic Coast ## 457 Buffalo Marshall 1 Mid-American ## 458 WesternMichigan Marshall 1 Mid-American ## 459 Toledo Marshall 1 Mid-American ## 460 Kent Marshall 1 Mid-American ## 461 Akron Marshall 1 Mid-American ## 462 BowlingGreenState Marshall 1 Mid-American ## 463 MiamiOhio Marshall 1 Mid-American ## 464 Ohio Marshall 1 Mid-American ## 465 Marshall MichiganState 0 Mid-American ## 466 NotreDame MichiganState 0 Independents ## 467 Northwestern MichiganState 1 Big Ten ## 468 Iowa MichiganState 1 Big Ten ## 469 Wisconsin MichiganState 1 Big Ten ## 470 Michigan MichiganState 1 Big Ten ## 471 Illinois MichiganState 1 Big Ten ## 472 OhioState MichiganState 1 Big Ten ## 473 Purdue MichiganState 1 Big Ten ## 474 PennState MichiganState 1 Big Ten ## 475 Washington MiamiFlorida 0 Pacific Ten ## 476 WestVirginia MiamiFlorida 1 Big East ## 477 Rutgers MiamiFlorida 1 Big East ## 478 FloridaState MiamiFlorida 0 Atlantic Coast ## 479 Temple MiamiFlorida 1 Big East ## 480 LouisianaTech MiamiFlorida 0 Western Athletic ## 481 VirginiaTech MiamiFlorida 1 Big East ## 482 Pittsburgh MiamiFlorida 1 Big East ## 483 Syracuse MiamiFlorida 1 Big East ## 484 BostonCollege MiamiFlorida 1 Big East ## 485 MichiganState Missouri 0 Big Ten ## 486 Nebraska Missouri 1 Big Twelve ## 487 Kansas Missouri 1 Big Twelve ## 488 Texas Missouri 1 Big Twelve ## 489 IowaState Missouri 1 Big Twelve ## 490 Colorado Missouri 1 Big Twelve ## 491 Baylor Missouri 1 Big Twelve ## 492 KansasState Missouri 1 Big Twelve ## 493 Missouri Clemson 0 Big Twelve ## 494 Virginia Clemson 1 Atlantic Coast ## 495 Duke Clemson 1 Atlantic Coast ## 496 NorthCarolinaState Clemson 1 Atlantic Coast ## 497 NorthCarolina Clemson 1 Atlantic Coast ## 498 GeorgiaTech Clemson 1 Atlantic Coast ## 499 FloridaState Clemson 1 Atlantic Coast ## 500 SouthCarolina Clemson 0 Southeastern ## 501 IowaState NevadaLasVegas 0 Big Twelve ## 502 NorthTexas NevadaLasVegas 0 Sun Belt ## 503 BrighamYoung NevadaLasVegas 1 Mountain West ## 504 AirForce NevadaLasVegas 1 Mountain West ## 505 Nevada NevadaLasVegas 0 Western Athletic ## 506 ColoradoState NevadaLasVegas 1 Mountain West ## 507 Wyoming NevadaLasVegas 1 Mountain West ## 508 Mississippi NevadaLasVegas 0 Southeastern ## 509 Utah NevadaLasVegas 1 Mountain West ## 510 NewMexico NevadaLasVegas 1 Mountain West ## 511 SanDiegoState NevadaLasVegas 1 Mountain West ## 512 NorthCarolina WakeForest 1 Atlantic Coast ## 513 Clemson WakeForest 1 Atlantic Coast ## 514 Virginia WakeForest 1 Atlantic Coast ## 515 Vanderbilt WakeForest 0 Southeastern ## 516 GeorgiaTech WakeForest 1 Atlantic Coast ## 517 Duke WakeForest 1 Atlantic Coast ## 518 FloridaState WakeForest 1 Atlantic Coast ## 519 Navy WakeForest 0 Independents ## 520 NorthCarolinaState WakeForest 1 Atlantic Coast ## 521 NorthCarolinaState Indiana 0 Atlantic Coast ## 522 Kentucky Indiana 0 Southeastern ## 523 Cincinnati Indiana 0 Conference USA ## 524 Iowa Indiana 1 Big Ten ## 525 Northwestern Indiana 1 Big Ten ## 526 Michigan Indiana 1 Big Ten ## 527 Minnesota Indiana 1 Big Ten ## 528 PennState Indiana 1 Big Ten ## 529 Illinois Indiana 1 Big Ten ## 530 Wisconsin Indiana 1 Big Ten ## 531 Purdue Indiana 1 Big Ten ## 532 Tulsa OklahomaState 0 Western Athletic ## 533 SouthernMississippi OklahomaState 0 Conference USA ## 534 Texas OklahomaState 1 Big Twelve ## 535 Missouri OklahomaState 1 Big Twelve ## 536 IowaState OklahomaState 1 Big Twelve ## 537 Colorado OklahomaState 1 Big Twelve ## 538 TexasA&M OklahomaState 1 Big Twelve ## 539 TexasTech OklahomaState 1 Big Twelve ## 540 Baylor OklahomaState 1 Big Twelve ## 541 Oklahoma OklahomaState 1 Big Twelve ## 542 NewMexico OregonState 0 Mountain West ## 543 SanDiegoState OregonState 0 Mountain West ## 544 SouthernCalifornia OregonState 1 Pacific Ten ## 545 Washington OregonState 1 Pacific Ten ## 546 Stanford OregonState 1 Pacific Ten ## 547 UCLA OregonState 1 Pacific Ten ## 548 WashingtonState OregonState 1 Pacific Ten ## 549 Arizona OregonState 1 Pacific Ten ## 550 Oregon OregonState 1 Pacific Ten ## 551 Temple Maryland 0 Big East ## 552 WestVirginia Maryland 0 Big East ## 553 MiddleTennesseeState Maryland 0 Sun Belt ## 554 FloridaState Maryland 1 Atlantic Coast ## 555 Virginia Maryland 1 Atlantic Coast ## 556 Clemson Maryland 1 Atlantic Coast ## 557 WakeForest Maryland 1 Atlantic Coast ## 558 Duke Maryland 1 Atlantic Coast ## 559 NorthCarolinaState Maryland 1 Atlantic Coast ## 560 NorthCarolina Maryland 1 Atlantic Coast ## 561 GeorgiaTech Maryland 1 Atlantic Coast ## 562 Nevada TexasChristian 0 Western Athletic ## 563 Northwestern TexasChristian 0 Big Ten ## 564 ArkansasState TexasChristian 0 Sun Belt ## 565 Navy TexasChristian 0 Independents ## 566 Tulsa TexasChristian 0 Western Athletic ## 567 Rice TexasChristian 0 Western Athletic ## 568 SanJoseState TexasChristian 0 Western Athletic ## 569 FresnoState TexasChristian 0 Western Athletic ## 570 TexasElPaso TexasChristian 0 Western Athletic ## 571 SouthernMethodist TexasChristian 0 Western Athletic ## 572 Utah California 0 Mountain West ## 573 Illinois California 0 Big Ten ## 574 FresnoState California 0 Western Athletic ## 575 WashingtonState California 1 Pacific Ten ## 576 ArizonaState California 1 Pacific Ten ## 577 UCLA California 1 Pacific Ten ## 578 Washington California 1 Pacific Ten ## 579 SouthernCalifornia California 1 Pacific Ten ## 580 OregonState California 1 Pacific Ten ## 581 Oregon California 1 Pacific Ten ## 582 Stanford California 1 Pacific Ten ## 583 Kansas AlabamaBirmingham 0 Big Twelve ## 584 LouisianaState AlabamaBirmingham 0 Southeastern ## 585 LouisianaLafayette AlabamaBirmingham 0 Sun Belt ## 586 Louisville AlabamaBirmingham 1 Conference USA ## 587 Memphis AlabamaBirmingham 1 Conference USA ## 588 MiddleTennesseeState AlabamaBirmingham 0 Sun Belt ## 589 EastCarolina AlabamaBirmingham 1 Conference USA ## 590 Cincinnati AlabamaBirmingham 1 Conference USA ## 591 SouthernMississippi AlabamaBirmingham 1 Conference USA ## 592 Army AlabamaBirmingham 1 Conference USA ## 593 BoiseState Arkansas 0 Western Athletic ## 594 Alabama Arkansas 1 Southeastern ## 595 Georgia Arkansas 1 Southeastern ## 596 LouisianaMonroe Arkansas 0 Sun Belt ## 597 SouthCarolina Arkansas 1 Southeastern ## 598 Auburn Arkansas 1 Southeastern ## 599 Mississippi Arkansas 1 Southeastern ## 600 Tennessee Arkansas 1 Southeastern ## 601 MississippiState Arkansas 1 Southeastern ## 602 LouisianaState Arkansas 1 Southeastern ## 603 TexasElPaso Hawaii 1 Western Athletic ## 604 Tulsa Hawaii 1 Western Athletic ## 605 TexasChristian Hawaii 0 Conference USA ## 606 SouthernMethodist Hawaii 1 Western Athletic ## 607 Rice Hawaii 1 Western Athletic ## 608 SanJoseState Hawaii 1 Western Athletic ## 609 FresnoState Hawaii 1 Western Athletic ## 610 Nevada Hawaii 1 Western Athletic ## 611 LouisianaTech Hawaii 1 Western Athletic ## 612 Wisconsin Hawaii 0 Big Ten ## 613 NevadaLasVegas Hawaii 0 Mountain West ## 614 UtahState <NA> NA Independents ## 615 MiamiFlorida <NA> NA Big East ## 616 Indiana <NA> NA Big Ten ## 617 OklahomaState <NA> NA Big Twelve ## 618 Maryland <NA> NA Atlantic Coast ## 619 California <NA> NA Pacific Ten ## 620 AlabamaBirmingham <NA> NA Conference USA ## 621 Arkansas <NA> NA Southeastern ## 622 Hawaii <NA> NA Western Athletic ## schools ## 1 ## 2 ## 3 ## 4 ## 5 ## 6 ## 7 ## 8 ## 9 ## 10 ## 11 ## 12 ## 13 ## 14 ## 15 ## 16 ## 17 ## 18 ## 19 ## 20 ## 21 ## 22 ## 23 ## 24 ## 25 ## 26 ## 27 ## 28 ## 29 ## 30 ## 31 ## 32 ## 33 ## 34 ## 35 ## 36 ## 37 ## 38 ## 39 ## 40 ## 41 ## 42 ## 43 ## 44 ## 45 ## 46 ## 47 ## 48 ## 49 ## 50 ## 51 ## 52 ## 53 ## 54 ## 55 ## 56 ## 57 ## 58 ## 59 ## 60 ## 61 ## 62 ## 63 ## 64 ## 65 ## 66 ## 67 ## 68 ## 69 ## 70 ## 71 ## 72 ## 73 ## 74 ## 75 ## 76 ## 77 ## 78 ## 79 ## 80 ## 81 CentralFlorida ## 82 ## 83 ## 84 ## 85 ## 86 ## 87 ## 88 ## 89 ## 90 ## 91 ## 92 ## 93 ## 94 ## 95 ## 96 ## 97 ## 98 ## 99 ## 100 ## 101 ## 102 ## 103 ## 104 ## 105 ## 106 ## 107 ## 108 ## 109 Connecticut ## 110 CentralFlorida ## 111 ## 112 ## 113 ## 114 ## 115 ## 116 ## 117 ## 118 ## 119 ## 120 ## 121 ## 122 ## 123 ## 124 ## 125 ## 126 ## 127 ## 128 ## 129 ## 130 ## 131 ## 132 ## 133 ## 134 ## 135 ## 136 ## 137 ## 138 ## 139 ## 140 ## 141 ## 142 ## 143 ## 144 ## 145 ## 146 ## 147 ## 148 ## 149 ## 150 ## 151 ## 152 ## 153 ## 154 ## 155 ## 156 ## 157 ## 158 ## 159 ## 160 ## 161 ## 162 ## 163 ## 164 ## 165 ## 166 ## 167 ## 168 ## 169 ## 170 Connecticut ## 171 ## 172 ## 173 ## 174 ## 175 ## 176 CentralFlorida ## 177 CentralFlorida ## 178 ## 179 ## 180 ## 181 ## 182 ## 183 ## 184 ## 185 ## 186 ## 187 ## 188 ## 189 ## 190 ## 191 ## 192 ## 193 ## 194 ## 195 ## 196 ## 197 ## 198 ## 199 ## 200 ## 201 ## 202 ## 203 Connecticut ## 204 ## 205 ## 206 ## 207 ## 208 ## 209 ## 210 ## 211 ## 212 ## 213 ## 214 ## 215 ## 216 ## 217 ## 218 ## 219 ## 220 ## 221 ## 222 ## 223 ## 224 ## 225 ## 226 ## 227 ## 228 ## 229 ## 230 ## 231 ## 232 ## 233 ## 234 ## 235 ## 236 ## 237 ## 238 ## 239 ## 240 ## 241 ## 242 ## 243 ## 244 ## 245 ## 246 ## 247 ## 248 ## 249 ## 250 ## 251 ## 252 ## 253 ## 254 ## 255 ## 256 ## 257 ## 258 ## 259 ## 260 ## 261 ## 262 ## 263 ## 264 ## 265 ## 266 ## 267 ## 268 ## 269 ## 270 ## 271 ## 272 ## 273 ## 274 ## 275 ## 276 ## 277 ## 278 ## 279 ## 280 ## 281 ## 282 ## 283 ## 284 ## 285 ## 286 ## 287 ## 288 ## 289 ## 290 ## 291 ## 292 ## 293 ## 294 ## 295 ## 296 ## 297 ## 298 ## 299 ## 300 ## 301 ## 302 ## 303 ## 304 ## 305 ## 306 ## 307 ## 308 ## 309 ## 310 ## 311 ## 312 ## 313 ## 314 ## 315 ## 316 ## 317 ## 318 ## 319 ## 320 ## 321 ## 322 ## 323 Navy ## 324 ## 325 ## 326 ## 327 ## 328 ## 329 ## 330 ## 331 ## 332 ## 333 ## 334 ## 335 ## 336 ## 337 ## 338 ## 339 ## 340 ## 341 ## 342 ## 343 ## 344 ## 345 ## 346 ## 347 Navy ## 348 ## 349 ## 350 ## 351 ## 352 ## 353 ## 354 ## 355 ## 356 Navy ## 357 ## 358 ## 359 ## 360 ## 361 ## 362 ## 363 ## 364 ## 365 ## 366 ## 367 ## 368 ## 369 ## 370 ## 371 ## 372 ## 373 ## 374 ## 375 ## 376 ## 377 ## 378 ## 379 ## 380 ## 381 ## 382 ## 383 ## 384 ## 385 ## 386 ## 387 ## 388 ## 389 ## 390 ## 391 ## 392 ## 393 ## 394 ## 395 ## 396 Navy ## 397 ## 398 ## 399 ## 400 ## 401 ## 402 ## 403 ## 404 ## 405 ## 406 ## 407 ## 408 Navy ## 409 ## 410 ## 411 NotreDame ## 412 ## 413 ## 414 ## 415 ## 416 ## 417 ## 418 ## 419 Navy ## 420 ## 421 ## 422 NotreDame ## 423 ## 424 ## 425 ## 426 ## 427 ## 428 ## 429 ## 430 ## 431 ## 432 ## 433 ## 434 ## 435 ## 436 ## 437 ## 438 ## 439 ## 440 ## 441 ## 442 ## 443 ## 444 ## 445 ## 446 ## 447 ## 448 ## 449 ## 450 ## 451 ## 452 ## 453 ## 454 ## 455 ## 456 ## 457 ## 458 ## 459 ## 460 ## 461 ## 462 ## 463 ## 464 ## 465 ## 466 NotreDame ## 467 ## 468 ## 469 ## 470 ## 471 ## 472 ## 473 ## 474 ## 475 ## 476 ## 477 ## 478 ## 479 ## 480 ## 481 ## 482 ## 483 ## 484 ## 485 ## 486 ## 487 ## 488 ## 489 ## 490 ## 491 ## 492 ## 493 ## 494 ## 495 ## 496 ## 497 ## 498 ## 499 ## 500 ## 501 ## 502 ## 503 ## 504 ## 505 ## 506 ## 507 ## 508 ## 509 ## 510 ## 511 ## 512 ## 513 ## 514 ## 515 ## 516 ## 517 ## 518 ## 519 Navy ## 520 ## 521 ## 522 ## 523 ## 524 ## 525 ## 526 ## 527 ## 528 ## 529 ## 530 ## 531 ## 532 ## 533 ## 534 ## 535 ## 536 ## 537 ## 538 ## 539 ## 540 ## 541 ## 542 ## 543 ## 544 ## 545 ## 546 ## 547 ## 548 ## 549 ## 550 ## 551 ## 552 ## 553 ## 554 ## 555 ## 556 ## 557 ## 558 ## 559 ## 560 ## 561 ## 562 ## 563 ## 564 ## 565 Navy ## 566 ## 567 ## 568 ## 569 ## 570 ## 571 ## 572 ## 573 ## 574 ## 575 ## 576 ## 577 ## 578 ## 579 ## 580 ## 581 ## 582 ## 583 ## 584 ## 585 ## 586 ## 587 ## 588 ## 589 ## 590 ## 591 ## 592 ## 593 ## 594 ## 595 ## 596 ## 597 ## 598 ## 599 ## 600 ## 601 ## 602 ## 603 ## 604 ## 605 ## 606 ## 607 ## 608 ## 609 ## 610 ## 611 ## 612 ## 613 ## 614 UtahState ## 615 ## 616 ## 617 ## 618 ## 619 ## 620 ## 621 ## 622 ``` --- # Example: American college football ```r ggplot(data = ftnet, aes(from_id = from, to_id = to)) + geom_net( aes(colour = value, group = value, linetype = factor(1-same.conf), label = schools), linewidth = 0.5, size = 5, vjust = -0.75, alpha = 0.3, layout.alg = 'fruchtermanreingold' ) + theme_net() + theme(legend.position = "bottom") + scale_colour_brewer("Conference", palette = "Paired") ``` --- <img src="lecture_9a_files/figure-html/print-gg-foot-graph-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # What do we learn? - Remember layout is done to place nodes that are more similar close together in the display. - The colours indicate conference the team belongs too. For the most part, conferences are clustered, more similar to each other than other conferences. - There are some clusters of conference groups, eg Mid-American, Big East, and Atlantic Coast - The Independents are independent - Some teams play far afield from their conference. --- # Example: Harry Potter characters <img src="images/1069px-Harry_Potter_Platform_Kings_Cross.jpg" width="50%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> *Source: [wikicommons](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Harry_Potter_Platform_Kings_Cross.jpg)* --- # Example: Harry Potter characters There is a connection between two students if one provides emotional support to the other at some point in the book. - Code to pull the data together is provided by Sam Tyner [here](https://github.com/sctyner/geomnet/blob/master/README.Rmd#harry-potter-peer-support-network). --- # Harry potter data as nodes and edges ```r hp_all ## # A tibble: 720 x 6 ## book from_id to_id schoolyear gender house ## <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> ## 1 1 Dean Thomas Harry James Potter 1991 M Gryffindor ## 2 1 Dean Thomas Hermione Granger 1991 M Gryffindor ## 3 1 Dean Thomas Neville Longbottom 1991 M Gryffindor ## 4 1 Dean Thomas Ronald Weasley 1991 M Gryffindor ## 5 1 Dean Thomas Seamus Finnigan 1991 M Gryffindor ## 6 1 Fred Weasley George Weasley 1989 M Gryffindor ## 7 1 Fred Weasley Harry James Potter 1989 M Gryffindor ## 8 1 George Weasley Fred Weasley 1989 M Gryffindor ## 9 1 George Weasley Harry James Potter 1989 M Gryffindor ## 10 1 Harry James Potter Dean Thomas 1991 M Gryffindor ## # … with 710 more rows ``` --- # Let's plot the characters ```r ggplot(data = hp_all, aes(from_id = from_id, to_id = to_id)) + geom_net(aes(colour = house, group = house, shape = gender), fiteach=T, directed = T, size = 3, linewidth = .5, ealpha = .5, labelon = T, fontsize = 3, repel = T, labelcolour = "black", arrowsize = .5, singletons = FALSE) + scale_colour_manual(values = c("#941B08","#F1F31C", "#071A80", "#154C07")) + facet_wrap(~book, labeller = "label_both", ncol=3) + theme_net() + theme(panel.background = element_rect(colour = 'black'), legend.position="bottom") ``` --- # Let's plot the characters <img src="lecture_9a_files/figure-html/ggraph-hp-out-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: transition # Your turn: lab exercise .pull-left[ - Read in last semesters class data, which contains `s1_name` and `s2_name` are the first names of class members, and tutors, with the latter being the "go-to" person for the former. - Write the code to produce a class network that looks something like below ] .pull-right[ <img src="images/class_network.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Summary - To make a network analysis, you need: - an association matrix, that describes how nodes (vertices) are connected to each other - a layout algorithm to place the nodes optimally so that the fewest edges cross, or that the nodes that are most closely associated are near to each other. --- class: refresher # Quantitative association matrices Previous association matrices were black and white: <img src="images/network_data.png" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: refresher # Quantitative association matrices - You could have the association between nodes described as real numbers. -- - E.g., these are the number of times that these people called each other in the last week: <table> <thead> <tr> <th style="text-align:left;"> </th> <th style="text-align:right;"> Meg </th> <th style="text-align:right;"> Tay </th> <th style="text-align:right;"> Yat </th> <th style="text-align:right;"> Zili </th> <th style="text-align:right;"> Jess </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> Meg </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 0 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 5 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 4 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 1 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 1 </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> Tay </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 5 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 0 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 4 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 2 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 1 </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> Yat </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 4 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 4 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 0 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 0 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 0 </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> Zili </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 1 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 2 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 0 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 0 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 6 </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:left;"> Jess </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 1 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 1 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 0 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 6 </td> <td style="text-align:right;"> 0 </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> --- # Quantitative association matrices We would need to turn this into an edge data set: ``` ## # A tibble: 25 x 3 ## from to count ## <chr> <chr> <dbl> ## 1 Meg Meg 0 ## 2 Tay Meg 5 ## 3 Yat Meg 4 ## 4 Zili Meg 1 ## 5 Jess Meg 1 ## 6 Meg Tay 5 ## 7 Tay Tay 0 ## 8 Yat Tay 4 ## 9 Zili Tay 2 ## 10 Jess Tay 1 ## # … with 15 more rows ``` --- # Quantitative association matrices - We need to decide what corresponds to a "connection". - Let's say they need to have called each other at least 4 times, to be considered connected. ```r d_edges_filter <- d_edges %>% filter(count > 3) ``` -- ```r d_edges_filter ## # A tibble: 8 x 3 ## from to count ## <chr> <chr> <dbl> ## 1 Tay Meg 5 ## 2 Yat Meg 4 ## 3 Meg Tay 5 ## 4 Yat Tay 4 ## 5 Meg Yat 4 ## 6 Tay Yat 4 ## 7 Jess Zili 6 ## 8 Zili Jess 6 ``` --- # Association matrices: Make the network diagram. ```r library(geomnet) set.seed(2019-10-09) ggplot(data = d_edges_filter, aes( from_id = from, to_id = to)) + geom_net( layout.alg = "kamadakawai", size = 2, labelon = TRUE, vjust = -0.6, ecolour = "grey60", directed =FALSE, fontsize = 3, ealpha = 0.5 ) + theme_net() ``` --- # Association matrices: Make the network diagram. <img src="lecture_9a_files/figure-html/geom-net-cals-out-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Data: Last 2018, 4 months of currency USD cross-rates SO let's try this with cross-currency rates across the globe! - Data extracted from http://openexchangerates.org/api/historical - R packages `jsonlite`, processed with `tidyverse`, `lubridate` --- # Data: Last 4 months of currency USD cross-rates ``` ## # A tibble: 6 x 171 ## date AED AFN ALL AMD ANG AOA ARS AUD AWG AZN BAM ## <date> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 2018-05-14 3.67 71.2 106. 485. 1.79 230. 25.0 1.33 1.79 1.70 1.63 ## 2 2018-05-15 3.67 71.2 107. 485. 1.80 230. 24.1 1.34 1.79 1.70 1.64 ## 3 2018-05-16 3.67 71.0 108. 484. 1.80 232. 24.3 1.33 1.79 1.70 1.66 ## 4 2018-05-17 3.67 71.0 108. 483. 1.80 233. 24.3 1.33 1.79 1.70 1.66 ## 5 2018-05-18 3.67 71.0 108. 483. 1.80 233. 24.4 1.33 1.79 1.70 1.66 ## 6 2018-05-19 3.67 70.9 108. 482. 1.79 233. 24.4 1.33 1.79 1.70 1.66 ## # … with 159 more variables: BBD <dbl>, BDT <dbl>, BGN <dbl>, BHD <dbl>, ## # BIF <dbl>, BMD <dbl>, BND <dbl>, BOB <dbl>, BRL <dbl>, BSD <dbl>, ## # BTC <dbl>, BTN <dbl>, BWP <dbl>, BYN <dbl>, BZD <dbl>, CAD <dbl>, ## # CDF <dbl>, CHF <dbl>, CLF <dbl>, CLP <dbl>, CNH <dbl>, CNY <dbl>, ## # COP <dbl>, CRC <dbl>, CUC <dbl>, CUP <dbl>, CVE <dbl>, CZK <dbl>, ## # DJF <dbl>, DKK <dbl>, DOP <dbl>, DZD <dbl>, EGP <dbl>, ERN <dbl>, ## # ETB <dbl>, EUR <dbl>, FJD <dbl>, FKP <dbl>, GBP <dbl>, GEL <dbl>, ## # GGP <dbl>, GHS <dbl>, GIP <dbl>, GMD <dbl>, GNF <dbl>, GTQ <dbl>, ## # GYD <dbl>, HKD <dbl>, HNL <dbl>, HRK <dbl>, HTG <dbl>, HUF <dbl>, ## # IDR <dbl>, ILS <dbl>, IMP <dbl>, INR <dbl>, IQD <dbl>, IRR <dbl>, ## # ISK <dbl>, JEP <dbl>, JMD <dbl>, JOD <dbl>, JPY <dbl>, KES <dbl>, ## # KGS <dbl>, KHR <dbl>, KMF <dbl>, KPW <dbl>, KRW <dbl>, KWD <dbl>, ## # KYD <dbl>, KZT <dbl>, LAK <dbl>, LBP <dbl>, LKR <dbl>, LRD <dbl>, ## # LSL <dbl>, LYD <dbl>, MAD <dbl>, MDL <dbl>, MGA <dbl>, MKD <dbl>, ## # MMK <dbl>, MNT <dbl>, MOP <dbl>, MRO <dbl>, MRU <dbl>, MUR <dbl>, ## # MVR <dbl>, MWK <dbl>, MXN <dbl>, MYR <dbl>, MZN <dbl>, NAD <dbl>, ## # NGN <dbl>, NIO <dbl>, NOK <dbl>, NPR <dbl>, NZD <dbl>, OMR <dbl>, … ``` --- # Data: Last 4 months of currency USD cross-rates <img src="lecture_9a_files/figure-html/plot-rates-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Your turn: Rstudio Make some plots (or google) to answer these questions - Is the NZD more similar to AUD, EUR, or JPY? (What currency is NZD?) - Is SGD more similar to AUD, EUR, or JPY? (What currency is SGD?) - How many currencies are there in the British Isles? --- <img src="lecture_9a_files/figure-html/show-many-currencies-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Pre-processing: Keep currencies that change - Some currencies don't change very much. - These should be filtered from the analysis, because in a study of currency movement, if it doesn't move then there is nothing more to be said. --- # Pre-processing: Keep currencies that change - To filter out these currencies we use a statistic called [coefficient of variation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coefficient_of_variation): $$ Coef Variation = \frac{\sigma}{\mu} $$ -- - Measures standard deviation of currency relative to the mean. - For high means, we expect a currency to change more. - That is, relatively the standard deviation would be larger to consider it to be changing. --- # Computing CV ### Stratgey pivot to long form then group and summarize currency values ```r # Compute coefficient of variation. We will only analyse # currencies that have changes substantially over this time. cv <- function(x){ sd(x)/mean(x) } rates_cv <- rates %>% pivot_longer(cols = -date, names_to = "currency") %>% group_by(currency) %>% summarise(cv = cv(value)) ``` --- ## Distrubtion of CV values <img src="lecture_9a_files/figure-html/cv-histogram-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Filter out currencies if they have CVs below the first quantile ```r rates_stable <- rates_cv %>% filter(cv < quantile(cv, 0.25)) ``` --- # Filter out low cv currencies using pivot and an anti join ```r rates_sub <- rates %>% pivot_longer(cols = -date, names_to = "currency") %>% anti_join(rates_stable) rates_sub ## # A tibble: 14,732 x 3 ## date currency value ## <date> <chr> <dbl> ## 1 2018-05-14 AFN 71.2 ## 2 2018-05-14 ALL 106. ## 3 2018-05-14 ANG 1.79 ## 4 2018-05-14 AOA 230. ## 5 2018-05-14 ARS 25.0 ## 6 2018-05-14 AUD 1.33 ## 7 2018-05-14 BAM 1.63 ## 8 2018-05-14 BDT 84.7 ## 9 2018-05-14 BGN 1.64 ## 10 2018-05-14 BIF 1767. ## # … with 14,722 more rows ``` --- # Remove currencies that are not currencies Some of the currencies ... aren't really currencies. Google these ones: XAG, XDR, XPT - what are they? --- # Remove currencies that are not currencies ```r # Remove non-currencies rates_dropped <- rates_sub %>% filter(!currency %in% c("ALL", "XAG", "XDR", "XPT")) ``` XAG is Gold XPT is Platinum XDR is special drawing rights --- # Standardize the currencies To examine overall trend regardless of actual USD cross rate, standardise the values to have mean 0 and standard deviation 1. ```r scale01 <- function(x) (x - mean(x)) / sd(x) ``` --- # Rescale all values to have standardised values ## Use `group_by()` plus `mutate()`! -- ```r rates_scaled <- rates_dropped %>% group_by(currency) %>% mutate(value = scale01(value)) ``` --- # Standardize the currencies <img src="lecture_9a_files/figure-html/currencies-standardized-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Compute distances between all pairs of currencies Euclidean distance is used to compute similarity between all pairs of currencies. `\(d_{ij} = \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^{t}{(C_{1i}-C_{2i})^2}}\)` --- # Compute distances between all pairs of currencies We need to put our data back in wide form! And then turn it into a matrix. ```r rates_wide <- rates_scaled %>% pivot_wider(id_cols = "date", names_from = "currency") %>% select(-date) # compute distance between currencies, rows <--> columns rates_wide_t <- t(rates_wide) ``` --- # Use built in function to compute distance ```r currency_dist <- as.matrix(dist(rates_wide_t, diag = TRUE, upper = TRUE)) currency_dist[1:5, 1:5] ## AFN ANG AOA ARS AUD ## AFN 0.000000 8.044527 7.315939 8.014165 7.970993 ## ANG 8.044527 0.000000 5.628321 9.601101 7.277124 ## AOA 7.315939 5.628321 0.000000 5.760894 5.299254 ## ARS 8.014165 9.601101 5.760894 0.000000 5.983452 ## AUD 7.970993 7.277124 5.299254 5.983452 0.000000 ``` --- # A note on distance matrices: - A distance matrix is the inverse of an association matrix. - A distance matrix close to 0 means the pair are most similar. - For an association matrix far from zero means the pair are close. - Either can be used to generate a network. --- # Create network: Pivot data into long form, filter based on similarity Here only the pairs of currencies who are closer than "4" to each other are kept. ```r distance_tbl <- currency_dist %>% as.data.frame() %>% rownames_to_column(var = "from_currency") %>% pivot_longer(-from_currency, names_to = "to_currency", values_to = "distance") %>% filter(distance < 4 ) %>% filter(from_currency != to_currency) ``` --- # Create network: Gather data into long form, filter based on similarity Here only the pairs of currencies who are closer than "4" to each other are kept. ```r distance_tbl ## # A tibble: 266 x 3 ## from_currency to_currency distance ## <chr> <chr> <dbl> ## 1 ANG CNH 2.98 ## 2 ANG CNY 3.24 ## 3 ANG IRR 3.73 ## 4 ANG TJS 3.60 ## 5 ANG VND 3.42 ## 6 AOA JMD 3.66 ## 7 AOA KZT 2.11 ## 8 AOA LAK 3.55 ## 9 AOA MMK 2.19 ## 10 AOA MYR 2.17 ## # … with 256 more rows ``` --- # Network laid out .left-code[ ```r # Make network library(geomnet) set.seed(10052016) ggplot(data = distance_tbl, aes( from_id = from_currency, to_id = to_currency )) + geom_net( layout.alg = "kamadakawai", size = 2, labelon = TRUE, vjust = -0.6, ecolour = "grey60", directed = FALSE, fontsize = 3, ealpha = 0.5 ) + theme_net() + theme( legend.position = "bottom" ) ``` ] .right-plot[ <img src="lecture_9a_files/figure-html/currency-network-out-1.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- class: transition # Your turn - Make a plot of the AUD vs the SGD (using the standardised units). Do they look like they are trending together as suggested by the network? - Try out the remaining lab exercises --- background-image: url(images/bg1.jpg) background-size: cover class: hide-slide-number split-70 count: false .column.shade_black[.content[ <br><br> # That's it! .bottom_abs.width100[ Lecturer: Nicholas Tierney & Stuart Lee Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics<br>
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ETC5510.Clayton-x@monash.edu May 2020 ] <br /> This work is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>. <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/"><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc-sa/4.0/88x31.png" /></a> ]] <div class="column transition monash-m-new delay-1s" style="clip-path:url(#swipe__clip-path);"> <div class="background-image" style="background-image:url('images/large.png');background-position: center;background-size:cover;margin-left:3px;"> <svg class="clip-svg absolute"> <defs> <clipPath id="swipe__clip-path" clipPathUnits="objectBoundingBox"> <polygon points="0.5745 0, 0.5 0.33, 0.42 0, 0 0, 0 1, 0.27 1, 0.27 0.59, 0.37 1, 0.634 1, 0.736 0.59, 0.736 1, 1 1, 1 0, 0.5745 0" /> </clipPath> </defs> </svg> </div> </div>